Press Community urges police chief to revoke article 2d of the Declaration on IPF

[ad_1], JAKARTA – The press community consisting of the Alliance of Independent Journalists, the Association of Indonesian Journalists, the Association of Indonesian Television Journalists, the Indonesian Photo Journalists, the Editor-in-Chief’s Forum and the Cyber ​​Media Association of Indonesia agreed to ask the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), General Idham Azis, to revoke Article 2d. from the Chief of Police Declaration number: Mak / 1 / I / 2021.

The Press Community considers that article 2d of the Declaration of the Chief of Police, signed on January 1, 2021, threatens the main tasks of journalists and the media.

“The edict violates the duties of journalists and the media, who by their profession fulfill the function of seeking and disseminating information to the public, including the FPI. [Front Pembela Islam]. The journalist’s right to seek information is regulated in Law Number 40 of 1999 on the Press, “said the Press Community represented by the General President of AJI Abdul Manan, General President of PWI Pusat Atal S Depari, General President of IJTI Hendriana Yadi , General Secretary of PFI Hendra Eka, President, Editorial Forum Kemal E Gani, and President of AMSI Wenseslaus Manggut, reported by Antara, Friday (1/1/2021).

Based on the Information from the Chief of Police, four issues are presented related to compliance with the prohibition of activities, the use of symbols and attributes and the termination of FPI activities.

However, Article 2d is considered to threaten the primary task of journalists and the media to seek and disseminate information to the public, including about FPI.

In Article 2d, the Chief of the National Police, General Idham Azis, asked the public not access, upload and disseminate FPI-related content either through website and social networks.

In fact, article 4, paragraph 3, of the Press Law guarantees freedom of the press and the national press has the right to seek, obtain and disseminate ideas and information.

With article 2d of the edict, the police can prosecute anyone who disseminates information about FPI.

This article can also be classified as a broadcasting ban that is contrary to article 4 paragraph 2 of the Press Law.

In addition, the information is also contrary to the rights of citizens in article 28F of the National Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945.

Therefore, the Press Community requested the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Kapolri) to revoke Article 2d in Chief of Police Decree Number: Mak / 1 / I / 2021.

Meanwhile, the Police reasoned to disclose the information to provide protection and guarantee the peace and security of the community after issuing a joint decision on the prohibition of activities, the use of symbols and attributes, as well as the cessation of FPI activities. .

This is because the activities of the FPI are prohibited under the joint Decree of the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, the Attorney General, the Chief of the National Police from Indonesia and the Head of the National Anti-Terrorism Agency Number 220-4780 of 2020; M.HH 14.HH.05.05 Year 2020; 690 of 2020; 264 of 2020; KB / 3 / XII / 2020; 320 of 2020 dated December 30, 2020 on the prohibition of activities, the use of symbols and attributes and the termination of FPI activities.

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