Potential tsunami in the south of the island of Java of up to 20 meters, BMKG reminds that this must be done


Tsunami-like wave clouds appear in Aceh (Source: Twitter / @ SmasMv12)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS TV – Research results from researchers from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) claim that there is a possibility of a tsunami of up to 20 meters in the south of the island of Java.

The research results, which were published in the Nature Scientific Report on (9/17/2020), are considered concerning if they actually happen.

In response to that, the Head of BMKG’s Tsunami and Earthquake Mitigation Division, Dr. Daryono, welcomed the results of the investigation.

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The reason is that the scientific study carried out by the ITB researchers is able to determine the maximum potential magnitude of the mega earthquake and the worst case.

However, until now, existing technology has not been able to accurately and accurately predict when and where an earthquake will occur.

“The resulting model scenario is a worst-case scenario, and this can be used as a reference in mitigation efforts to reduce the risk of earthquake and tsunami disasters,” Daryono was quoted as saying by Kompas.com on Friday (9/25 / 2020).
