Potential for a 20 meter tsunami in South Java, follow these 3 pages of mitigation tips


KOMPAS.com – Tsunami experts reminded us that we must increase mitigation efforts to respond to the results of a research study on a possible tsunami reaching 20 meters in the south of the island of Java.

Last week, an investigation by researchers from the Institute of Technology of Bands (ITB) on the possibility of a tsunami in southern Java reaching 20 meters was published in the magazine. Nature science report, Thursday (9/17/2020).

If this simulation actually happened, it would be very concerning.

A tsunami expert from the Agency for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT), Widjo Kongko, emphasized that the latest study or publication should open a new discourse on the tsunami threat off the southern coast of Java.

Also read: Potential tsunami 20 meters south of Java, BMKG: Don’t panic and focus on mitigation

It is important to remember that until now there is no technology that can determine when and where a major earthquake or tsunami occurred.

The potential for a tsunami to occur can be calculated using various models. However, the estimated height of a tsunami and its arrival time can only be calculated after an earthquake has actually occurred.

Therefore, Widjo emphasized that what is important to consider and really needs to be done at this time is the mitigation of potential catastrophic disasters.

“The need for mitigation along the coast is important, especially in tourist destination areas, vital industries, ports and others,” Widjo told Kompas.com on Friday (9/25/2020).

Mitigation tips

Widjo said that, at least for mitigation, three steps were needed as follows:

1. Education and socialization about the tsunami

Widjo emphasized that grassroots education and socialization efforts related to mitigating the potential of a large earthquake that could cause a tsunami of a certain height are important in a tsunami-prone area.

Not only that, in this educational scope, there is also a need for policy makers or related institutions to conduct routine evacuation trainings, and so on down to the village household level.

Widjo also cannot confirm whether the education-socialization on mitigating the potential for tsunamis in Indonesia has been carried out to the full.

“I cannot evaluate the current mitigation conditions, but give suggestions for this program to reach the level of families and children, through education or curricula in PAUD, SD to SMA,” he explained.

2. The tsunami early warning system must be integrated

As a form of protection against tsunami-related disasters, it is necessary to strengthen mitigation through spatial planning and a tsunami early warning system (InaTEWS), especially in vulnerable areas, including the southern coast of the island of Java.

It is not enough to be installed, the alert system must be well integrated.

“It is necessary to build and operate an integrated Tsunami Early Warning System, from the sensors installed in the sea to the land,” he said.

Also read: ITB researchers assess the potential of a 20-meter tsunami, experts call to be alert

3. Increase and disseminate related research

The next mitigation effort to be made is to increase research or studies related to hazard sources, marine studies, and social issues.

According to him, there have been more and more studies or research related to this potential disaster.

“However, the results must be socialized and turned into policy,” he said.

This is because disaster risk reduction (PRB) policies must be based on sound scientific data and research.
