Pollycarpus, Munir activist, dies after 16 days of being positive for Coronavirus


Pollycarpus Budihari Prijanto (center). (Antara / Novrian Arbi)

“Yes, supposedly from the wife of the deceased. She died from Covid-19,” Wirawan told Suara.com.

SuaraJatim.id – Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, a former pilot convicted of the murder of human rights activist Munir Said Thalib, died after being infected with the Covid-19 corona virus.

Wirawan Adnan, his former attorney, said Pollycarpus died Saturday afternoon at 2:52 pm WIB.

“Yes, supposedly from the deceased’s wife. She died from Covid-19,” Wirawan said. Suara.com.

He said Pollycarpus had previously been hospitalized for Covid-19 for the past 16 days.

“He has been fighting C19 for 16 days.”

Meanwhile, the General Secretary of the Party works Badaruddin Andi Picunang in his statement saying the same.

“Confirmed by RSPP, he (Pollycarpus) has preceded us all. Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun,” he said.

Even so, Badaruddin could not confirm whether Pollycarpus died from being infected with the Covid-19 corona virus.

He said that during this pandemic, Pollycarpus was active in helping the community fight the corona virus.

“It often provides herbal medicines against the corona virus,” he said.

For your information, Pollycarpus is a former Garuda Indonesian pilot. Due to his role in Munir’s death on the poison plane, Pollycarpus was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

However, after serving 8 years in prison, he was granted parole on November 28, 2014. He was declared pure free on August 29, four years later.
