Police will call 1812 Action Coordinator at State Palace: National Okezone


JAKARTA – The police said yesterday that they would summon Rijal Kobar, coordinator of the 1812 action at the State Palace in central Jakarta. The reason is that hundreds of members REITThe KIDS of the Republic of Indonesia and the Habib Rizieq Shihab sympathizers who were arrested were considered to have violated PSBB regulations, resulting in some carrying sharp weapons and drugs.

“Yes, we will investigate and summon (the 1812 action coordinator, Rijal Kobar),” Polda Metro Jaya’s head of Public Relations, Kombes Yusri Yunus, told reporters on Saturday (12/19/2020).

According to him, the coordinator of the action and the person in charge of the action of 1812 will be summoned next week, but he did not confirm the time. The police will request information on the findings of sharps weapons and marijuana from members of the FPI, ANAK NKRI and supporters of Habib Rizieq who were secured by the police during a demonstration and violated the PSBB.

“We prepare everything, we are careful that there is participation, we are going to call everyone. (Coordinator of action 1812) he is responsible for everything, he cannot meet,” said Yusri.

Meanwhile, regarding the issue that establishes that the gunman and the marijuana that were secured by the police to the author of the stabbing of a police officer were the intruders of the action, Yusri assured that all those who were arrested during the 1812 demonstration were members of the FPI, ANAK NKRI and supporters of Habib Rizieq.

“Everyone wants a demonstration, he admitted that they are from the Children of the Republic of Indonesia, sympathizers of the FPI and MRS,” he said.

