Police call our Syahganda arrested for violating ITE law


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Policeman declared the arrest of members of the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (U.S), Syahganda Nainggolan related to alleged violations of the Information and Electronic Transactions Act (UU ITE).

Syahganda was arrested by investigators from the Cyber ​​Directorate of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police (Bareskrim).

“Yes, it is true (The arrest is related to the ITE Law)”, said the head of the Public Information Office of the National Police (Karopenmas), Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, when confirmed. CNNIndonesia.com, Tuesday (10/13).

He said that Syahganda was arrested by investigators at his home in Depok, West Java, on Tuesday morning this morning.

“He was arrested in Depok, at 0400 WIB at his home,” Awi said.

However, he did not elaborate further on the alleged violations committed by Syahganda. Furthermore, the legal status of Syahganda has not been disclosed to date.

Based on the arrest warrant obtained CNNINdonesia.com, Syahganda is suspected of having committed a criminal act of spreading false or misleading news. This then creates a feeling of hate based on SARA through social media.

In this case, it is explained in the arrest warrant that Syahganda is a Twitter user @syahganda.

Earlier, another member of the US Executive Committee, Ahmad Yani, said that Syahganda’s arrest was not accompanied by his lawyer.

Ahmad Yani said that WE were preparing a defense team to then accompany Syahganda in the legal process.

OUR Presidium, Din Syamsuddin, previously stated that his organization recently did not participate in the action against the Omnibus Act in Cipta Kerja. He denied that WE were mounting a demonstration against the Omnibus Law.

“The ruling that we are mounted in demonstrations of workers, students and students is a tactic so that the mass of workers, students and students do not take action,” Din said in his official statement on Monday (12/10).

(mjo / pmg)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
