Pertamina tanker driver becomes a suspect and is arrested, this is the police reason



Sutopo (51), a Pertamina tanker driver who struck a viral man who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the road, was named a suspect. Sutopo was also arrested. What is the reason why the police do that?

Madiun AKBP Police Chief Bagoes Wibisono said the suspect was conscious when he struck the victim. But after hitting the victim, Bagoes said, the suspect did not stop or help the victim.

The suspect got away. In the end, the suspect also did not report the incident to the local police.

“The perpetrator found out after the accident. However, he did not report it to the closest police officer, but fled the scene,” Bagoes said.

Bagoes added that the incident on Saturday (11/21) around 7:00 p.m. WIB occurred during rainy weather. However, the lighting is adequate. “The situation in the field is rainy. The lighting is sufficient. You have to be more careful,” Bagoes explained.

Bagoes emphasized that the truck driver was named a suspect because he was deemed negligent while driving and struck the victim who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the road. The suspect was charged in accordance with article 310 paragraph (4) UURI No. 22 of 2009 regarding Traffic with threat of six years in prison.

See also the video ‘Hit a Truck at the Cipularang Toll Road, a Vegetable Pickup Driver Killed’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]
