People are urged to be calm about predicting the 20 meter tsunami in South Java: The National Okezone


JAKARTA – The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) called on the public to remain calm regarding the results of the investigation of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on the possibility of a possible threat of seismic activity accompanied by tsunami waves 20 meters south of the island of Java.

The Head of the Center for Earthquakes and Tsunamis, BMKG Rahmat Triyono, stated that with the results of this investigation, the community and all related stakeholders should be able to prepare everything if this happens.

“This means that we use this study wisely, that they tell us that there is a threat there and we must prepare for it to happen or we must not be prepared,” Rahmat said when confirmed by Okezone, Jakarta on Saturday (9/26/2020).

This investigation into the potential for a tsunami should not be treated with panic. This is because disaster preparedness and attitude are one of the things that need to be improved.

“There is no need to panic, which is wisely clear, you have to deal with earthquakes that cannot be accurately predicted. If the location is predicted, it is clear what will happen but when it will happen,” Rahmat said.

In reality, Rahmat said, the potential for an earthquake and tsunami could occur anywhere. Not just in South Java.

“Of course, first, there is no need to respond with excessive panic that the threat of a tsunami is not only in southern Java and almost all areas where the tectonic plate meets the potential for a tsunami can occur and not only in southern Java, “Rahmat said.

Read also: Large 20 meter earthquake and tsunami, BMKG: potentially in almost Indonesia

Previously, researchers from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) managed data based on the results of processing earthquake data recorded by the observing station of the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) and data from the System of Global Positioning (GPS) indicated an area with relatively low seismic activity. around it, known as a seismic gap, in the south of the island of Java.

It is, a researcher from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Professor Sri Widiyantoro who reported on the possibility of a possible threat of seismic activity accompanied by a tsunami wave 20 meters south of the island of Java.

“The seismic gap has the potential to be a source of large earthquakes (megathrust) in the future. To assess flood hazard, tsunami modeling is carried out based on various large earthquake scenarios along the segment of megathrust south of the island of Java, ” said Professor Sri Widiyantoro.

