Participant contributions go up, this solution offered by BPJS Health


YAKARTA, – The government again collected contributions from BPJS Health participants since July 2020.

The increase in the contribution of independent participants or non-salary recipients (PBPU) and non-workers (BP) is regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 64 of 2020.

In the regulation signed by President Joko Widodo on Tuesday (5/5/2020), the contribution of first class independent participants will be adjusted to Rp 150,000 from the time of Rp 80,000.

Also read: INFOGRAFIK: 2020 Health BPJS Contribution Details

While the second class enrollment, currently at Rp 51,000, will rise to Rp 100,000.

As for the contribution of the new third class participants, it will increase in 2021 to Rp 35,000.

This increase also elicits several responses from the public. Some assume that the steps taken by the government are considered a burden on people in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also read: Citizen Responses to Increasing BPJS Contributions to Health Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

However, the BPJS opens the opportunity for the community to withdraw membership, if the fees determined when they are raised are deemed too expensive.

This has become one of the “solutions” that BPJS is trying to offer its participants.

Downgraded solution

The Head of Public Relations, BPJS Health M, Iqbal Anas Ma’ruf, explained that the community is allowed to move or leave the membership class.

This is so that the community can adjust the BPJS Health class with its ability to pay contributions.
