BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com – West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil signed proposals from 27 cities and regencies regarding the amount of the city / regency minimum wage (UMK) in 2021. This is set out in West Java Governor Decree No: 561 / Kep-Yanbangsos 2020.
West Java Regional Secretary Setiawan Wangsaatmaja said there are 17 regions in West Java that have increased the size of UMK. Meanwhile, 10 regions did not increase the UMK, also known as fixed.
“We see that there are 10 regencies and cities that are in accordance with the Circular of the Ministry of Manpower dated October 26, 2020 (without increasing). Then, the remaining 17 regencies have an increase based on inflation and also LPE both at the national, provincial and city level “. Setiawan said at a press conference on Saturday night (11/21/2020).
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Setiawan appreciates all suggestions from the regions, whether it’s increasing the size of the UMK or not increasing the UMK. The situation of the Covid-19 pandemic is the basis for the consideration of each regional decision.
“We understand that the effects of Covid are extraordinary. From the evaluation data, there were 2001 affected companies and 112 thousand workers. (Companies) that laid off 987 workers that affected 80 thousand workers. Some also stopped their jobs, ”he said.
Regions that have increased the UMK include Karawang Regency, Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Depok City, Bogor Regency, Purwakarta Regency, Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, Sumedang Regency, Bandung Regency, Cimahi City, Sukabumi Regency, Subang Regency and Indramayu Regency . .
Meanwhile, the regions that did not increase the UMK were Bogor City, Cianjur Regency, Sukabumi City, Tasikmalaya City, Tasikmalaya Regency, Garut Regency, Kuningan Regency, Ciamis Regency, Pangandaran Regency, and Banjar City.
“We have considered this carefully. The Governor’s Decree that was just signed today can hopefully be accepted by all parties,” Setiawan said.
Here is the size of UMK in West Java in 2021:
1. Karawang Regency: 4,798,312 IDR
2. City of Bekasi: 4,782,935.64 IDR
3. Bekasi Regency: 4,791,843.9 IDR
4. City of Depok: 4,339,514.73 IDR
5. City of Bogor: 4,169,806.58 IDR
6. Bogor Regency: 4,217,206 IDR
7. Purwakarta Regency: 4,173,568.61 IDR
8. Bandung City: 3,742,276.48 IDR
9. West Bandung Regency: Rp. 3,248,283.28
10. Sumedang Regency: Rp. 3,241,929.67
11. Bandung Regency: Rp. 3,241,929.67
12. City of Cimahi: Rp. 3,241,929
13. Sukabumi Regency: 3,125,444.72 IDR
14. Subang Regency: Rp. 3,064,218.08
15. Regency of Cianjur: 2,534,798.99 IDR
16. Sukabumi City: 2,530,182.63 IDR
17. Indramayu Regency: 2,373,073.46 IDR
18. City of Tasikmalaya: IDR 2,264,093.28
19. Tasikmlaya Regency: IDR 2,251,787.92
20. City of Cirebon: Rp. 2,271,201.73
21. Cirebon Regency: Rp. 2,269,556.75
22. Garut Regency: 1,961,085.70 IDR
23. Majalengka Regency: 2,009,000 rupees
24. Kuningan Regency: 1,882,642.36 IDR
25. Regency of Ciamis: 1,880,654.54 IDR
26. Regency of Pangandaran: 1,860,591.33 IDR
27. City of Banjar: IDR 1,831,884.83.