No longer will PNS, teachers and 146 positions be filled with PPPK, something? All pages

[ad_1] – The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) ensures that there is no acceptance of teachers with the status of Officials for the implementation of CPNS 2021.

Subsequently, the status of teachers hired to government employees with a formal contract (PPPK) will be changed.

This was confirmed by the head of BKN Bima Haria Wibisana, through a virtual press conference, on Tuesday (12/29/2020).

“In the meantime, Mr. Menpan, Mr. Mendikbud, and we agree that the teachers will switch to PPPK to stop being CPNS,” Bima said.

Also read: Abolition of the acceptance of teachers with public official status in the selection of CPNS 2021, what is the difference between PNS and PPPK?

146 other departments

However, it turns out that not only teachers have changed their status to PPPK. There are at least 146 other positions whose status will be similar.

It is declared in Presidential Regulation No. 38 of 2020 on Types of Positions Government Employees May Fill with a Labor Agreement (PPPK).

When it was confirmed, the Acting Head of BKN’s Office of Public Relations, Law and Cooperation, Paryono confirmed it.

“Yes, it is true (a total of 147 positions, including teachers in the PPPK category),” Paryono said when contacted., Saturday (1/2/2021.

Also Read: Crowded Over Teacher Appointment No Longer Through CPNS Selection From 2021, Really?

A total of 147 positions are listed below:

  1. Population database administrator
  2. Health Administrator
  3. State Budget Analyst
  4. Security Analyst and Business Research
  5. Policy analyst
  6. Personnel analyst
  7. Food safety analyst
  8. Fishery Products Market Analyst
  9. Agricultural Products Market Analyst
  10. Plant Care Analyst
  11. Plantation analyst
  12. Pharmacist
  13. Arsiparis
  14. Doctor
  15. Dentist
  16. Industrial Quality Management Advisor
  17. pharmacist assistant
  18. Assistant Air Transport Inspector
  19. Deputy Airport Inspector
  20. Assistant Aviation Security Inspector
  21. Fishery Product Quality Assistant Inspector
  22. Assistant Addiction Counselor
  23. Assistant sports coach
  24. Community Advisor Assistant
  25. Quality Management Assistant for Marine and Fishery Products
  26. Anesthesiologist assistant
  27. Assistant Capture Fisheries Production Manager
  28. Telecommunications Equipment Test Assistant
  29. Legislative Assistant Perisalah
  30. Broadcast Administration Assistant
  31. Transmission assistant technician
  32. Apparatus Human Resources Advisor
  33. Staffing Auditor
  34. Midwife
  35. Quarantine vet
  36. Clinical Educators
  37. Lecturer
  38. Health entomologist
  39. Health epidemiologist
  40. Medical physicist
  41. Physiotherapist
  42. Guru
  43. Air cargo inspector
  44. Airport inspector
  45. Aviation security inspector
  46. Electrical inspector
  47. Oil and gas inspector
  48. Fishery Products Quality Inspector
  49. Mine inspector
  50. Instructor
  51. Addiction counselor
  52. Veterinarian
  53. Nutritionist
  54. Occupational therapist
  55. Operator of the population management information system
  56. Ortotis Prostetis
  57. Pamong Belajar
  58. Pamong Budaya
  59. Animal Quarantine Paramedics
  60. Paramedic veterinarian
  61. Agricultural Products Quality Supervisor
  62. Social workers
  63. Sports coach
  64. Community Counselor
  65. Occupational health advisor
  66. Construction services advisor
  67. Quality Supervisor of Marine and Fishery Products
  68. Industrial Design Checker
  69. Plant quarantine inspectors
  70. Plant variety protection inspector
  71. Anesthesia administrator
  72. General Election Administrator
  73. Land planning
  74. Investigator
  75. Penis
  76. Translator
  77. Volcano observer
  78. Meteorological and geophysical observers
  79. Tera Observer
  80. Introduction to work
  81. Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Supervisor
  82. Plant seed supervisor
  83. Cattle seed supervisor
  84. Pharmacy Supervisor and Meaning
  85. Metrological Supervisor
  86. Supervisor I (Safety in navigation
  87. Cooperative supervisor
  88. Feed quality supervisor
  89. Fishing supervisor
  90. Management of marine and coastal ecosystems
  91. Fish Health Manager
  92. Goods / Services Purchasing Manager
  93. Capture Fishery Production Manager
  94. Learning Technology Developers
  95. Radio frequency controller
  96. Control of pests and diseases of fish
  97. Control of plant pest organisms
  98. Non-governmental organizations
  99. Penghulu
  100. Motor Vehicle Testers
  101. Occupational health and safety examiner
  102. Goods quality examiner
  103. Telecommunications equipment testers
  104. Earth Investigator
  105. Religious advisor
  106. Legal counsel
  107. Forest extension officer
  108. Family planning counselor
  109. Public health extension
  110. Drug coach
  111. Fishing extension
  112. Agricultural extension
  113. Social counselor
  114. nurse
  115. Dentist
  116. Medical check
  117. Engineer
  118. Planner
  119. Legislative notice
  120. Public relations institutions
  121. IT Institutions
  122. Metrological laboratory institutions
  123. Health laboratory institutions
  124. Educational laboratory institutions
  125. Nuclear institution
  126. Broadcasting institutions
  127. Clinical psychologist
  128. librarian
  129. Radiographer
  130. Refractive optics
  131. Resaner
  132. Sanitary
  133. Statistics
  134. Surveyor mapping
  135. Highway and bridge engineering
  136. Irrigation techniques
  137. Environmental Sanitation Engineering
  138. Building and Housing Engineering
  139. Electromedical Technician
  140. Dental technician
  141. Research and Engineering Technician
  142. Aviation technician
  143. Plantation Technician
  144. Transmission Technician
  145. Blood transfusion technician
  146. Speech therapist
  147. Widyaiswara

Also read: Abolition of the acceptance of teachers with public official status in the selection of CPNS 2021, what is the difference between PNS and PPPK?

There is no acceptance of teachers with PNS status

Previously reported, the Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana confirmed that there was no admission of teachers with Public Official status (CPNS) during the implementation of the CPNS in 2021.

However, Bima continued, the status of the teachers who were hired would later change to become government employees on an employment contract (PPPK).

“In the meantime, Mr. Menpan, Mr. Mendikbud, and we agree that teachers will switch to PPPK from being CPNS. In the future, we will accept teachers with CPNS status, but government employees with labor agreements (PPPK)” Bima said through a lecture. virtual press, Tuesday (12/29/2020).

The acceptance of teacher status as PPPK is due to the unresolved problem of distributing teachers evenly across Indonesia for 20 years so far by BKN.

“Why? Because if CPNS after they are 4 or 5 years old they usually want to move. And that destroys the national teacher distribution system. For 20 years we have tried to solve that, but we did not finish with the PNS system” Bima said.

Also read: Head of BKN: No More Teacher Appointments Through CPNS Selection

Other staff

Not only teachers have changed their status to PPPK, but other personnel such as nurses, doctors and also public services.

Because according to Bima, in developed countries, there were more PPPKs than public officials at just 20 percent.

“So in the future this system will be changed to PPPK. In the same way with health workers, doctors and others, the extension will be the status of PPPK,” Bima said.

Also read: Not all teachers have disbursed IDR 1.8 million in BSU, until when are they disbursed?
