NIK KTP Not listed These are the requirements to obtain Banpres UMKM BPUM IDR 2.4 million


DIY NEWS – As is known, how to verify the recipients of UMKM banpres assistance from BRI pipeline banks you can use the ID NIK in the BRI form at the link People who receive SMS but their names are not on the recipient list because they are not eligible or have not registered for the Rs 2.4 million BPUM.

MSME players who have signed up will receive an SMS notification from a channel bank like BRI that contains information that their registration is accepted.

For example, the following SMS sent by BRI: “Nsb Dear …, account owner ….., you are registered as a recipient of Productive Banpres (BPUM), the closest BRI center for verification and disbursement”.

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Then MSME actors can confirm their name on the BRI form or go directly to the bank office to withdraw their assistance.

MSME players who want to confirm their names can do so in the following ways:

– Open the link
– Enter your KTP or NIK identity number
– Enter the verification code listed,
– Then click on Process query
– Then the information about the registration status of this BLT Banpres UMKM or BPUM will appear.

Registrants that are declared recipients will receive information about their status, while MSME actors that are not accepted or are not registered will receive a notification as follows:
