National assessment to replace the 2021 national exam, these are 3 aspects that must be tested Page all

[ad_1] – In 2021, the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nobodym Makarim officially changes the National Exam (UN) to become a National Assessment.

The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) qualifies the National Assessment as a sign of a shift in the educational assessment paradigm and is part of the Freedom of Learning policy that also has the full support of President Joko Widodo.

The main objective is to promote the improvement of the quality of learning and the learning outcomes of students. For this reason, the Ministry of Education and Culture invited interested parties to provide information on the plan to implement the National Assessment in 2021.

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Doni Koesoema, a member of the National Agency for Educational Standards (BSNP), said that the National Assessment is an alternative transformation of education at the school level to improve the quality of learning, teaching and the learning environment in educational units.

“Through a more focused evaluation, it is expected that improvements in educational quality and services can be more effective. Thus, the Head of Service must ensure the implementation of the National Evaluation in the regions, paying attention to the availability of infrastructure and student safety if the COVID-19 pandemic in the area has not been adequately resolved, ”Doni was quoted as saying from the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, on Wednesday (7/10/2020).

3 aspects tested

The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, said that the fundamental change in the National Assessment was no longer to assess the achievements of individual students, but to assess and map the education system in the form of inputs, processes and results.

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The 2021 National Assessment, he explained, is a mapping of the quality of education in all schools, madrasas and equality programs at the primary and secondary levels.

The National Assessment consists of three parts, namely:

  1. Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM)
  2. Character survey
  3. Survey on the learning environment

The Minister of Education and Culture continued, AKM is designed to measure the performance of students from the results of cognitive learning, that is, literacy and numeracy.

These two aspects of minimum competence are a requirement for students to contribute to society, regardless of the field of work and career they want to pursue in the future.

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“The focus on literacy and arithmetic skills does not reduce the importance of the subject because it helps students to study other fields of science, especially to think and digest information in written form and in numerical or quantitative form,” explained the Minister of Education and Culture.

Literacy and numeracy skills, Mendikbud continued, are skills that will affect all subjects taught by teachers and learned by students.

The second part of the National Assessment is a character survey designed to measure student achievement based on socio-emotional learning outcomes in the form of character pillars to print the Pancasila Student Profile.

“With six main indicators, namely, being faithful and devoted to Almighty God and having a noble character, two of global diversity, the third independent, the fourth working together, the five critical reasoning and the sixth creative,” said the Minister of Education and culture.

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The third part of the National Assessment is a learning environment survey to assess and map the supporting aspects of the quality of learning in the school environment.

Student performance is no longer assessed

The National Assessment in 2021, said the Minister of Education and Culture, was conducted as a baseline map of the actual quality of education in the field, so there were no consequences for schools and students.

“The results of the National Assessment have no consequences for schools, only mapping to know the real conditions,” said the Minister of Education and Culture.

The Ministry of Education and Culture will also assist schools and education offices by providing an evaluation report that explains the strength profile and areas for improvement for each school and region.

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In fact, Nobodym said that the National Assessment did not require special preparation, such as tutoring, that could potentially stress students.

“It is very important to understand, especially for teachers, principals, students and parents that the National Assessment for 2021 does not require special or additional preparations that will become a psychological burden in itself. Do not worry, you do not need special tutoring for good of the National Evaluation ”, said the Minister of Education and Culture.

That is why, Nobodym continued, let us jointly support the implementation of the National Assessment from 2021 as part of Indonesia’s education reform.
