Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –
Secretary General of the Islamic Defenders Front (REIT) Munarman mentioned the incident of six support troops Rizieq Shihab died in an incident of confrontation with the police that constituted a massacre or extrajudicial murder.
“It was a massacre, in the language of human rights it is called extrajudicial murder“Munarman said during a press conference at FPI headquarters, Petamburan, Central Jakarta, on Monday (7/12).
He also claimed that those responsible for the deaths of the six soldiers who supported Rizieq.
“Of course, there must be legal responsibility on the part of the party that carried out the murder,” he said.
Munarman continued, his group and his family have not had access to see Rizieq’s six supporting army corps to date.
“Even his family does not have access to the body,” Munarman said.
Earlier, FPI President Ahmad Shabri Lubis explained the chronology of clashes between Rizieq supporters and police on the Cikampek toll road, to be precise, near the East Karawang toll gate, on Monday ( 12/7).
According to him, the incident started when Rizieq and his family were about to go to a sunrise recitation ceremony that was held specifically for the nuclear family in an unnamed area on Monday morning.
“That last night IB HRS [Imam Besar Habib Rizieq Shihab] with their families, including their grandchildren who are still young, they will go to the place where the family recites at dawn, while conditions are restored, “said Shabri in his official statement.
Suddenly, Rizieq’s group was intercepted by an unknown person on their way to the location. He suspected they were part of Rizieq’s stalking operation.
“The OTK thugs who were in charge of the operation intercepted and fired at the troops of the family guard,” Shabri said.
Shabri said those who intercepted the group carried out the shooting and hijacking of a car containing six soldiers. Until now, he said, those who were kidnapped were still unknown.
“We ask for your prayers, that a car that was shot contains the six soldiers who were kidnapped to give them security,” he said.
In a separate location, Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran said that this special laskar was the part that had hampered the investigation process carried out by the police.
“The special army that has been blocking the investigation process,” Fadil said in Polda Metro Jaya, on Monday (12/7).
(mts / pmg)
[Gambas:Video CNN]