Mount Merapi Siaga, Sleman establishes state of emergency for disaster


Yogyakarta, CNN Indonesia –

District government Sleman, The Yogyakarta Special Region has declared a state of emergency for eruption disaster preparedness Mount Merapi after an increase in the status of mountain activities to be on the alert.

“We have received instructions from the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, to take early action. Today, we will immediately issue a decree on the state of emergency of the Merapi disaster,” Sleman Regency Regional Secretary Harda Kiswaya said in Sleman, quoted by Antara. Between, Thursday (11/5).

With the determination of the Merapi state of emergency, the Sleman Regency Government is ready to allocate a budget to handle the eruption of Mount Merapi. The budget will also cover the cost of living for residents who have to evacuate.

“The budget will be included in the revised APBD. In essence, we are ready to handle the Merapi eruption disaster,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of the Sleman Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Joko Supriyanto, said that his party was ready to handle and handle the eruption of Mount Merapi because that was stated in the ‘Mount Merapi eruption disaster management contingency’ which was compiled a while ago.

“Currently we have also prepared evacuation barracks to anticipate the increase in alertness of Mount Merapi,” he said.

According to him, the target residents who must be evacuated at this level of alertness are the elderly, pregnant women, children, people with disabilities and other vulnerable residents.

“Then the residents’ livestock was also targeted to be immediately evacuated to a safer location,” he said.

It also closed tourist attractions on the slopes of Mount Merapi, which are less than 5 kilometers from the top of Mount Merapi.

This distance setting is in accordance with the recommendations of the Yogyakarta Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG).

“The attractions we are closing include Klangon Hill in Kalitengah Lor Hamlet, Cangkringan, Turgo Hill in Pakem and the Kaliadem area in Kepuharjo Cangkringan,” he said.

Villages less than 5 kilometers away, namely Kalitengah Lor Hamlet in Glagaharjo village, Kaliadem Lama Hamlet in Kepuharjo village and Pelemsari Lama Hamlet in Umbulharjo village, all in Kapanewon (district) must also be vacated. Cangkringan.

“Currently in Kaliadem Lama there are no residents, then in Pelemsari there are only some buildings and two families, we check the content of the cattle. However, these two families already have permanent homes under which they are safer, ”he explained.

For Kalitengah Lor Hamlet, Joko said, there are vulnerable groups numbering about 160 people and they must be evacuated to evacuation headquarters.

Joko said that one of the barracks in Glagaharjo has a capacity for 300 people. However, due to covid-19, the maximum number can only be completed with 120 people.


“Later we will evacuate the rest of the residents’ houses and the houses of their relatives. However, the government will continue to bear the cost of living,” he said.

Previously, BPPTKG Yogyakarta raised the status of Mount Merapi from Level II (Alert) to Level III (Alert) on Thursday (11/5), at 12.00 WIB.

The increase in status is based on monitoring volcanic activity from June 2020 until now.

The potential hazards that will occur are in the form of avalanches of lava, throwaway material, and hot clouds up to 5 kilometers.

Areas that will be affected by the Merapi eruption include Cangkringan District, Sleman, Yogyakarta; Dukun District, Magelang, Central Java; Selo District, Boyolali; and the Kemalang district, Klaten.


[Gambas:Video CNN]
