More horrified There are Covid clusters in hotels, businessmen open their voice


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) is still investigating hotels, which are reportedly a new Covid-19 transmission group. The covid-19 cluster in the hotel becomes a new area after the office, residential and family cluster.

“I will investigate it first, there have been no reports, there are 3 hotels, I don’t know in which areas,” said the chairman of the PHRI Regional Management Agency in Jakarta, Krishnadi, on Thursday (9/24/2020).

Although he still does not know the exact location of the hotel in question, his party has made anticipations about how sanitary protocol is applied in hotels. He emphasized that for visiting guests, health protocols will be reinforced.

“Yesterday someone was infected, it means that the protocol is loose. Meanwhile, those that are rented, there are already more standards. Although it has been determined as a place of isolation, the protocol is even more strict, “he said.

“Really strict, consistent health protocol. Then, the employees themselves are periodically evaluated to Get away of covid-19, “he added.

Previously, the COVID-19 Management Working Group found transmission of the corona virus (Covid-19) in the hotel, despite the current occupation being relatively small. It’s no wonder this is starting to get the attention of the Covid-19 Working Group, because there was no such case before.

“We are starting to find new clusters that did not exist before, such as the hotel cluster, that is, there were 3 cases,” said the Head of Data and Information Technology of the COVID-19 Management Working Group, Dewi Nur Aisyah.

He explained that 3 positive cases of Covid-19 were found that were related to contacts in a hotel. “This is still being investigated, but in fact new sites of infection have emerged that did not exist before,” he said.

Hotel So Isolation Place

In the midst of a report from the covid-19 group at the hotel, the hotel is simultaneously being prepared as a separate isolation place for covid-19 patients. At least 30 hotels have submitted to the government for self-isolation of Covid-19 patients. This effort is to maintain the continuity of the hotel business amid the pandemic and to help support beds for isolation purposes.

Krishandi said it is currently being determined whether the 30 hotels qualify as separate isolation sites.

“After their appointment, the authority for the hotels to be rented first depends on the variable, whether the athlete’s hospital and the guest house are full or not. If the athletes’ home hospital can still accommodate, the hotel it will not be rented, “he said.

In addition, in terms of security, your party will continue to implement health protocols. Additionally, as previously reported, the COVID-19 Management Working Group found a new group originating from hotels.

“Meanwhile, those who are hired, have higher standards. Even if independent isolation has been determined, the protocol is even more stringent,” he added.

He said that he always reminded all the hotel employees to be vigilant and careful. As for the family group, she recalled how to adhere to health protocols, one of which is to keep their distance after returning home after finishing work.

“Hotel employees, who enter the house after working on public transport from the hotel, still freely gather and open their masks, now this is a danger. Despite being a family, they still maintain social distance, “he explained.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Hello Hello)
