More deadly! Naval reform Pentagon targets China


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Secretary of Defense Mark Esper announces ambitious plans to expand the United States (US) Navy.

Uncle San’s country will increase its army, from building ships, submarines and drones to taking on China.

This plan, as written by AFP, has been dubbed ‘Future Forward had presented a’ game changer ”. The Navy will expand to more than 355 ships from the current 293 ships.

The United States will spend tens of billions of dollars. The goal is that by 2045, the United States Navy should be superior to China, which is seen as the main threat to the country.

“The future fleet will be more balanced in the ability to exert lethal effects from air, sea and water,” Esper said in a speech at Rand Corp. California on Wednesday (9/16/2020).

The fleet of ships will be able to survive high intensity conflicts. Esper said this was to project the strength and presence of the United States and deliver a precision strike at great distance.

For example, the pregata guided missile warships. The new breed, he said, would become “lethal” by increasing defense and combat capabilities.

Tests are currently underway at Sea Hunter. One that was tested was a 40-meter-high trimaran drone, which can independently survey enemy submarines at sea for two months at a time.

“This effort is the next step in the realization of the future US fleet … the unmanned (ship) system will perform a variety of warfare functions, from lethal fire, laying mines, to monitoring the enemy,” he explained.

“This will be a huge change, in terms of how we fight at sea, for the next few years and decades.”

The United States and China are in conflict in many respects. From trade, technology, Hong Kong, the crown to Taiwan and the South China Sea.

In the South China Sea, the two are also embroiled in tensions, with the US opposing China’s claim for 80% of the water and helping various allies secure territories like the Philippines.

Earlier in the US report, Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China, quoted from the website, the Pentagon claimed that China’s military strength was greater than that of the United States.

The Chinese Army (PLA) since 2019 is said to have continued to make progress in reforming its military. China is said to be carrying out a series of reforms.

From building a modern military system to strengthening its competence to conduct operations. “Including shipbuilding, of which the People’s Republic of China (People’s Republic of China) has the largest navy in the world, with a total combat force of around 350 ships and submarines, including more than 130 major surface combatants,” the report said.

The data also contains that this is not comparable to the US Navy, where the United States only had 293 ships in early 2020.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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