Milk and eggs help boost the body’s immune system, says a nutritionist.

[ad_1] – The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) worldwide increases day by day. Preventive measures such as washing hands, maintaining social distance, exercising and getting enough sleep are the keys to reducing the risk of exposure.

But in preparing the immune system to deal with this pandemic, taking vitamins and supplements on their own is not enough. A healthy diet can help boost the immune system.

Chairman of the University of Indonesia FKM Nutrition and Health Study (PKGK) Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, M.Sc., Ph.D stated that in order to maintain optimal body condition, strong immunity is needed to support the body to adapt to various viruses and diseases.

“To maintain immunity, we need a variety of nutritional intake. One of them is animal protein that must be consumed according to guidelines for balanced nutrition. Animal protein with essential amino acids has a variety of functions, one of which repairs damaged cells and maintains immunity. You can find animal protein sources from various sources, such as milk and eggs, “Ahmad Syafiq explained during the Friesland flag online meeting recently.

In addition to animal proteins, vitamins, minerals and water, they should not be forgotten either. Syafiq added that milk, along with eggs, is one of the best sources of animal protein because it is easily absorbed by the body and its composition of essential amino acids is complete. Milk also contains several sources of essential nutrients to support the functioning of the immune system, such as essential amino acids, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (kobalamin), zinc, selenium, and vitamin D3.

“Vitamin D3 is very good for us to consume in this fasting month because it can help the absorption process of nutrients that the body needs when we are fasting all day. In addition to food, exposure to morning sunlight it’s also important because it helps convert pro vitamin D in our bodies to vitamin D, “he said.

However, nutritional intake alone is not sufficient to maintain optimal body condition. Good physical condition plays an important role in maintaining health so that immunity works optimally.

Physician, influencer and sports activist Dr. Falla Adinda said that staying healthy and fit was her main goal in order to continue acting as a doctor and mother. Maintaining health by exercising, eating foods with balanced nutrition, and maintaining body hygiene at all times are important factors in ensuring that the body develops a good immune system that will help

“Implementing a healthy and clean lifestyle is becoming more and more crucial and must now become our lifestyle. With more time at home when we are not working, we have more time to exercise with simple movements or physical activities with spouses and children, “he said.

Falla suggested that Indonesian families have a favorite sport that can be done together at home, adding that socializing while maintaining personal hygiene, such as washing your hands as often as possible, is an effort to prevent various illnesses.

“A minimum of 30-45 minutes of exercise, a lapse of three times a week is sufficient,” he explained.

Meanwhile, psychologist Rosdiana Setyaningrum, MPsi, MHPEd added that not only is body health important in boosting the immune system, but also mental health and peace of mind in forming a physically and mentally healthy person.

Rosdiana encourages parents to manage stress by consuming more good news. Parents should also actively help children manage information proportionally and not excessively.

“The best way to avoid this stress is to find ways to enjoy this new habit and change your way of thinking. The amount of time spent with the family at home can be tricked into making new and agreed rules of the game, doing what we like individually. and choosing activities that can be done together so that parents are not stressed and children love being close to their father and / or mother. “

