Menaker Ida Fauziyah admits cut off hours of rest


LIVE – The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, deeply admitted Job Creation Law there is a reduction in the rest workday.

This is said to be a form of change in Law No. 13/2003 on employment, which is included in the work copyright bill.

Ida explained that the first change was in the aspect of working time. The previous law stipulated that the rigid working day was seven hours a day and 40 hours for six working days or eight hours a day and 40 hours for five working days.

“Regarding the provisions for work and time off, this is a lot of distortion,” Ida said in a conference call on Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

“However, this remains regulated in accordance with Law No. 13/2003, and adds new provisions on the provision of work and rest time in certain business and occupational sectors,” he said.

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Ida explained that this rule aims to protect workers and workers. It considered that the reduction of hours of rest does not apply to all types of work.

Because only certain types of work will get a reduction in the working day, because some of its aspects have been replaced by technology.

“This is for the protection of workers or workers in certain forms of labor relations and sectors, which are currently developing very dynamically in the era of the digital economy,” said Ida.

“So the goal is to be able to really adapt to working conditions, due to the rapid development in the realm of the digital economy,” Ida added. (North American stock market)
