Member: Kesongo Mud Volcano Becomes Oil & Gas Resident Page all


BLORA, – Geologist Handoko Teguh Wibowo reported that the presence of a mud volcano in Kesongo, Gabusan Village, Jati Subdistrict, Blora Regency, Central Java, indicates that oil and gas reside there.

Mud volcano locations are commonly found in Grobogan, Blora, Rembang, and various districts in East Java (kendeng zone).

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, mud volcano eruptions, which are still frequently discussed, are found in Sidoarjo, East Java.

However, this professor of Geology and Mining Engineering at the Adhitama Institute of Technology in Surabaya said that the mud volcano in Blora is different from the one in Sidoarjo.

Also read: Mixed gas mud flares in Blora is a mud volcano, happened in 2013

The mud volcano at Sidoarjo has a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, while the mud volcano at Kesongo follows ambient temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius.

“The mud volcano is a feature of oil and gas. The mud volcano is always associated with the presence of oil and gas, either below or around it. We can see this in West Kesongo there is a productive field of oil and gas, a cork field owned by Pertamina, “said the Head of the East Java Indonesian Geological Experts Association. this, when you contact, via cell phone, Sunday (8/30/2020).

Mud volcano, he continued, is an expression of a mass of mud mixed with gas that rises to the surface in its various morphological forms.

Some are flat, some look like a tumpeng, or some are even shaped like a puddle.

While the mass of mud mixed with gas that has not yet been released is often called a mud diapir (mud dome) in the form of an upward cone, and this is an embryo of a mud volcano that may one day emerge to the surface to become a volcano of mud.

In other words, there is a positive potential for the presence of a gas whose content or size depends on the dimensions and geometry of the mud being shaded.

“Although the negative is that there is a vulnerability to this condition, such as excess pressure (too much pressure) in marshes or mud volcanoes, “Handoko said.

According to Handoko, the gas that explodes in the Kesongo mud contains hydrogen sulfide gas (H25), which is toxic at certain levels.

So it is certain that humans or animals will be poisoned if they inhale it.

Although it is poisonous, he continued, if it is processed in such a way it can be used.

The rates of oil and gas, he said, are similar or exactly the same as those exploited by oil and gas companies.

“It is common for oil and gas exploitation, H2S gas always appears in the extraction process and there is always H2S gas monitoring equipment near the well. In the form of natural gas produced by oil and gas companies. processing, its uses include supply of industrial gas for combustion, PLTG, distributed to the community in the form of a natural gas network of the city through pipelines and so on ”, said the graduate (S1) of the Department of Geological Engineering of UGM and (S2) Marine Geology and Geophysics from Oregon State University, USA.

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Handoko said natural gas buried in the Kesongo area is estimated to remain at a depth of less than 1,000 meters.

“If the Kesongo area is below 1,000 meters, there is natural gas, much deeper than swamp gas, but with high pressure. However, it may also be shallow. For example, the cases of Massive exploitation in the mud volcano area are found in the Republic of Azerbaijan, where drilling is done in the mud volcano area and produces a lot of oil and gas, “concluded Handoko.

The head of Blora Regency (Dinporabudpar) Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Office, Slamet Pamudji, said the government cannot yet speculate on the development and use of the Kesongo area, which has two potential sides.

The positives characterize the existence of oil and gas and become a laboratory of geotourism and nature. However, there are dangers that arise if it explodes suddenly.

“We see progress. This is not an asset for the Blora Regency government, but the Perhutani area and of course we have to collaborate,” Slamet said.
