Meaning of the appearance of Kemukus latitude according to the wind direction


BOGOR PROBLEM – According to Ni Nyoman Dhitasari, the phenomenon of the appearance of Kemukus or Comet Latitude, astrophiles (enthusiasts / fans of astronomy / space objects) have their own impressions and meanings.

Even for Dhita, who is usually called Ni Nyoman Dhitasari, who is also a piano teacher and pianist at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in the Space Odyssey section, he has an interesting experience about Lintang Kemukus that makes him an astrophile.

It was the terror of the legend about Lintang Kemukus in the Javanese sky that led Dhita to have a hobby of celestial objects.

Also read: The Kemukus latitude phenomenon according to astrophiles, the legend of Majapahit Keris and the term ‘long hair’

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As quoted by of, Dhita had written about the meaning of the appearance of a comet or Kemukus Latitude.

According to him, the Javanese tradition has a kind of primbon or the science of interpreting the meaning of the appearance of the Kemukus Latitude in the sky based on the cardinal directions.

In general, the appearance of a comet brings bad things, except when the comet appears to the west.

In his writings, which he calls Lintang Kemukus as Komet Van Java, he is mentioned in the book “The Story of Kutha Sala: Kraton Sala, Bengawan Sala, Gunung Lawu” by RM Ng. Tiknopranoto and R. Mardisuwignya, on the meaning of the appearance of a comet (Latitude Kemukus) that can be interpreted as follows:

