May 9 update: COVID-19 positive in South Sumatra increased by 51 cases, here are the details


Palembang (ANTARA) – Positive people infected with COVID-19 in South Sumatra province increased again from 227 cases on May 8 to 278 cases (as of May 9, 2020) and became the largest daily record of additions with 51 cases in one day.

South Sumatra COVID-19 Management Acceleration Task Force spokesman Dr. Zen Ahmad in Palembang said on Saturday that 51 new cases are still dominated by the city of Palembang, Lubuklinggau, Lahat, Musi Rawas, Prabumulih, Ogan Ilir, OKI, Musi Banyuasin and Banyuasin and there is no new distribution area.

“Of the 51 cases today, three transmission states are still being investigated, while the rest are local,” he said in Palembang.

He detailed up to 23 Palembang cases with local status, namely cases 228 (men 13 years), cases 229 (women 26 years), cases 230 (women 38 years), cases 231 (men 31 years), cases 232 (women 23 years), 233 (woman 28 years), case 239 (man 43 years), case 244 (man 28 years), case 245 (woman 26 years), case 254 (man 2 years), case 255 (woman 61 years)

So case 258 (woman 44 years old), case 259 (woman age 23 years old), case 260 (man 24 years old), case 261 (woman 24 years old), case 263 (man age 53 years old), case 272 (men 29 years old) , case 273 (men 32 years old), case 274 (men 28 years old), case 275 (men 35 years old), case 277 (men 62 years old) and case 278 (38 years old man).

Also read: Ogan Ilir’s baby TKI recovered from COVID-19, but his mother is still on treatment

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Then 12 Lubuklinggau cases, namely 247 cases (women 30 years), 248 cases (men 29 years), 249 cases (men 3 years), 250 shirts (men 30 years), case 251 (men) 26 years) , 252 cases (men of 41 years), 253 cases (man of 29 years), 256 cases (man of 36 years), 257 cases (woman of 26 years), 265 cases (woman of 30 years), case 266 (women 27 years) and case 267 (men 28 years).

Five cases of Musi Rawas, 237 cases (35-year-old woman), 238 cases (43-year-old woman), 239 cases (14-year-old man), 24 cases (17-year-old woman), the four are from local state and 240 cases (men) 18 years) import status.

In addition, five cases originating from Lahat were local, namely 243 cases (43-year-old woman), 268 cases (40-year-old man), 269 cases (9-year-old woman), 270 cases (67-year-old man) and 271 cases (4 women year).

The other three cases were local, namely 236 cases (35-year-old woman from Banyuasin), 276 cases (2-year-old man from Ogan Ilir) and 246 cases (29-year-old woman from Musi Banyuasin).

Although three cases were investigated, namely 235 cases (61-year-old man from the ICO), 242 cases (23-year-old man from Muba) and 262 cases (52-year-old man from Prabumulih).

Today’s additional cases are still within the family’s reach, he said.

In addition, there was also one death by Ogan Ilir, so that as of May 9 South Sumatra recorded 278 positive cases, 49 recovered and nine died.

Also read: Up to 12 cases, Lubuklinggau City is the second largest positive contributor to COVID-19 in South Sumatra

Read also: South Sumatra supports the crown team task force

The working group again requested the public to comply with the requirements of social distancing and physical distancing so that the transmission of COVID-19 does not spread to public areas such as markets and shopping centers to prevent cases from increasing.

“There is no need to leave the house if it is only for unclear meetings, if in fact you are forced to leave, keep your speaking distance at least two meters and wear a mask,” said Dr. Zen Ahmad.

“To reduce this case, we need the cooperation of all parties,” he said.

Finding 278 positive cases of COVID-19 in South Sumatra as of May 9 spread in Palembang city (red zone) with 150 cases, followed by Lubuklinggau (red zone) 35 cases, Banyuasin (yellow zone) 15 cases, Prabumulih (red zone) 13 cases, Regency Ogan Komering Ilir (yellow zone) 12 cases, and OKU (red zone) 11 cases.

The other cases were dispersed in eight areas of the yellow zone, namely Ogan Ilir (eight), Musi Rawas (eight), Lahat (six), Muara Enim (three), Musi Banyuasin (three), Muratara (two) and Pagaralam and East OKU. each case, specifically from outside South Sumatra but dealt with in South Sumatra up to nine cases.
