Ma’ruf Amin reveals a reason why many Muslim countries lag behind


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

vice president Ma’ruf Amin to mention one of the results of the large number of populated countries Muslim experiencing backwardness in various fields is the narrow mindset adopted by society or even da’i who should be a role model for people.

He relayed this statement during the 2021 national webinar held by IKADI and BNPT on the theme Da’i’s role in de-radicalizing religious understanding in Indonesia.

Because of this condition, he reminded the preachers to continue to imitate the Apostle’s way of thinking, which was open-minded and moderate. Because if you just stick to a narrow mindset, you can actually hamper and backfire efforts to rebuild Islamic civilization.

“That (narrow thinking) is one of the reasons why many countries with Muslim populations are still lagging behind in the fields of economics, education, science and technology and other fields,” said Ma’ruf Amin in speaking his comments on Sunday (4/4).

Ma’ruf Amin does not deny that at this time there are many challenges that preachers must face. The challenge is complex due to the increasing number of problems that arise.

The problems and challenges, Ma’ruf Amin said, are related to political, economic, social, cultural, legal and security issues and even issues relating to the understanding of religion itself.

Therefore, according to him, at this time all Muslims, especially preachers, should be able to emulate the prophet Muhammad SAW, who always promoted an open mind.

According to Ma’ruf, the way of thinking is the main key to advance or regress a civilization. Of course, he said, the way of thinking taught by the Apostle was open thinking, dynamic, moderate but still inside the corridor and not extreme.

“That way of thinking wasathy it is not an exclusive and narrow perspective or way of thinking and it is not open to change, “said Ma’ruf.

He also reminded preachers to imitate the way of thinking of the Prophet and not participate in the narrow stream of thought, as a recent phenomenon.

An example of a tight pacing pattern, Ma’ruf said, relates to mistrust about the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even a narrow minded also says that they believe in conspiracy theories without trying to understand the phenomena with common sense through science.

“Narrow thinking is also one of the causes of the emergence of self-centeredness, lack of respect for differences of opinion and does not want to dialogue,” he said.

Not only that, this narrow mindset according to Ma’ruf can lead to a mindset that strays from the mainstream or even becomes radical, such that it can lead to the use of violence to solve problems.

“The most real example of such a deviant and radical way of thinking about terrorism is the incident of the suicide bombing at the Makassar Cathedral Church on March 28, 2021,” he said.

According to Ma’ruf, that action is certainly not in accordance with Islamic teachings. Because Islam does not teach violence and coercion of the will (ikrahiyyan) in his preaching and also in the struggle for aspirations against injustice.

“On the contrary, Islam actually teaches polite ways (lines), and it is done in the form of good advice (mau’izhah hasanah), as well as dialogue in the best way (mujadalah billati hiya ahsan), “he said.

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