Many bans say “Anjay”, this is different Komnas Child Protection and KPAI Hail all

[ad_1] – Twitter social media enlivened with a circular that prohibits the use of the term “anjay”.

The letter says the National Committee for Child Protection (Komnas PA).

When confirmed, Komnas PA president Arist Merdeka Sirait confirmed that the circular came from his institution.

However, many citizens associate the ban with the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), one of which is the account @tubirfess.

“2beer! After questioning the” Djarum “logo on the badminton shirt, now the KPAI is back in action by questioning the word” anjay “,“wrote the account on Saturday (8/29/2020).

Additionally, on Monday (8/31/2020), posts accompanied by #AnjayKPAI were also popular on Twitter. At least, as of 12/06 WIB, there were 2,410 tweets.

Also read: Many questions about the ban on the use of the term Anjay, this is the explanation of Komnas child protection

So what is the difference between Komnas PA and KPAI?

Komnas PA is an independent organization, while KPAI is a state institution.

Although both are in charge of child protection, KPAI and Komnas PA are two different institutions.

The legal basis for the establishment of Komnas PA is Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs Number 81 / HUK / 1997 on the Establishment of the Indonesian Child Protection Institution.

One of the most famous figures in Komnas PA is Setyo Mulyadi or familiarly called Kak Seto.

It was noted that Kak Seto served as General President of the AP National Commission in 2006-2009.

This was stated in the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 09 / HUK / 2007 regarding the inauguration of the Board of Commissioners of the National Commission for the Protection of Children for the period 2006-2009.

Also read: Ban on the use of Anjay, netizens’ reactions and linguistic words

Meanwhile, quoted from page, KPAI is an independent state institution established under article 74 of Law No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children.

The law was approved in the Plenary Session of the DPR on September 22, 2002.

A year later, the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarno Putri, issued Presidential Decree No. 77/2003 on the Indonesian Child Protection Commission.

It takes approximately 8 months to elect and appoint KPAI members as stipulated in these legal regulations.

The position of the KPAI itself is similar to that of other state commissions, such as the National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and the National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan).

Also read: KPAI is concerned about educational disparities during the pandemic, which will cause children to drop out of school

There are several KPAI tasks based on article 76 of Law 23 of 2002, namely:

to. Supervise the implementation of the protection and fulfillment of the rights of the child.

yes. Provide inputs and suggestions in the formulation of policies related to the implementation of child protection.

C. Collect data and information on child protection.

re. Receive and review community complaints about violations of children’s rights.

me. Mediating disputes about violations of children’s rights.

F. Collaborate with institutions formed by the community in the field of child protection.

gram. Provide a report to the authorities on the alleged violation of this law.
