Malioboro merchants die after being infected by Corona

[ad_1], JOGJA– After several months of opening, positive cases of Covid-19 emerged in the Malioboro area. A street vendor (PKL) selling bags and domoet in Malioboro Zone 3 was confirmed positive and passed away.

The daily chairman of the Yogyakarta City Covid-19 task force, Heroe Poerwadi, said that from August 20 to 26, 2020, these traders were still actively selling in Malioboro from morning to night. Also, on August 27, 2020, the sword in question felt feverish, weak, and coughed, so it was not sold on that date.

On September 1, 2020, the PKL moved to Puskesmas, then on September 2, 2020, they took him to the hospital to undergo a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) and the results were reactive. “Fourth [September] The results of the swab came out with positive confirmation and he died that afternoon, he was buried that night in Kulonprogo ”, he explained.

Heroe said the tracking effort had been underway since Saturday morning (5/9/2020). The Task Force Team took swift action by firing two street vendors in Zone 3, a total of 8 street vendors. “The two segments are sold close to a 68-year-old street vendor,” he explained. Since Friday night (9/4/2020) the close contact of street vendors is monitored. “Both those around the street vendors selling stalls and those around his house in Suryatmajan area, Danurejan district, Jogjakarta,” he added.

From the results of the tracing, it is known that the family members who made contact were sons, sons-in-law and grandsons. “Children and son-in-law who took him to treatment at the health center and who had replaced the sales,” explained Heroe. He went on to say that people who were in close contact with patients, from family members and friends of PKL Malioboro, were asked to isolate themselves independently, including residents who prayed alongside the patient in question.
