Luhut met with Trump and brought him 10.5 t of IDR for RI


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The governments of Indonesia and the United States (USA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on infrastructure and commercial financing worth 750 million dollars or the equivalent of 10.5 trillion IDR (assuming 14,106 IDR / US $).

This figure is an increase from the value of the previous agreement of US $ 500 million (Rp. 7 billion) in 2017-2018.

The MoU was signed by the Indonesian Ambassador to the United States, Muhammad Lutfi, and the President of EXIM Bank AS, Kimberly Reed. The signing was also witnessed by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investments, General TNI (Ret.) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

In his remarks, Lutfi explained that the bilateral relations between Indonesia and the United States are based on shared values ​​to create prosperity for the people of the two countries, promote democracy and regional stability.

“This memorandum of understanding will further strengthen the economic partnership between RI and the United States in an effort to expand the fields of cooperation in investment and procurement of goods and services,” he said, as quoted in the statement received. CNBC Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Luhut, who witnessed the signing of the MoU, expressed optimism about the improvement of bilateral relations between Indonesia and the US with the various achievements that have been made in recent times.

Meanwhile, Kimberly emphasized that the agreement was a significant achievement in strengthening the United States’ participation in Indonesia’s development in the energy, infrastructure, transportation, information and communication technology, health services and environment sectors.

“This MOU reflects how important Indonesia is to the US government,” Kimberly said.

Subsequently, this MOU will expand opportunities for Indonesia and the US to work together in the procurement of goods and services for government projects.

Not only that, this agreement will further business development opportunities, including in infrastructure, transportation, energy, mining supply chain infrastructure, environment, information and communication technology, security and protection, health services and geospatial information.

The signing of the MoU took place at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, DC, on the sidelines of Luhut’s visit to the United States, which was accompanied by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, the Vice Minister of BUMN II and the Team Expert of the Minister of Commerce for International Relations.

Prior to the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, Indonesia had secured a commitment to US participation in infrastructure development in Indonesia, as well as an extension of the US government’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).

The GSP itself is an entry fee waiver scheme for 3,500 Indonesian export products to the US.

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