‘Love letter’ from the honorary professor to the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim



The government’s plan to open the selection of Government Employees with Labor Agreement (PPPK) in 2021 with 1 million trainings for honorary teachers concerns honorary teachers who have been dedicated for years as educators even at the end of their retirement age, in public schools with many vacancies for teachers Officials.

This is stated in the ‘love letter’ sent by the general president of the Forum of Certified Honorary Teachers of Public Schools (FGHBSN), Rizki Safari Rakhmat, to the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia, No one, Makarim. Rizky said that the mandate of honorary professors is not much different from that of PNS professors.

“If the minister knew and experienced how difficult it is to be an honorary teacher in a public school, our duties and obligations are the same as those of civil servants according to the mandate of the Teachers and Lecturers Law No. 14 of 2005 , which distinguishes namely, employment status, development opportunities, teacher professional training and well-being, “Rizky told detikcom in his statement, on Saturday (1/2/2021).

Rizky said that, in fact, nearly 50 percent of education in public schools is done by honorary teachers. “It is inconceivable if the PNS teacher vacancies were not filled by honorary teachers, it seems that state schools will partially halt their educational implementation,” he said.

He said the portfolio system for certified teachers, PLPG and the Professional Teacher Program had changed a lot between 2007 and 2020. Not a few graduates of teacher certification came from honorary teachers.

If the minister had become an honorary teacher, perhaps we would have felt how difficult and rigorous it was to go through various national teams through the cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for the quality of teacher professionalism and the right to professional assignments. We will not give up existing limitations, we all remain. He survived as an honorary teacher because of his vocation as a noble profession to produce a golden generation of future generations, a generation of academics who will ultimately bring change to this country, ”he said.

In the love letter, various opinions were expressed about the government’s plan for teacher governance to become PPPK in 2021.

The first is to ask Nadiem to review the references to the selection of PPPK teachers according to the minimum qualifications of teachers, which are included in Law number 23 of 2203 on the National Educational System, article 41 and Law Number 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Professors article 8. Have academic qualifications (S1) and educator certificates.

Rizky said that honorary teachers who have been certified as educators are legally valid and legally, so when they have to be retested in the 2021 PPPK selection, it is no longer fair. “According to the minister, it is fair, but it is not fair for us that we have gone through several processes of the certification program to obtain an educator certificate. It seems that the Ministry of Education does not pay attention to our existence, which should take priority for the PPPK 2021 selection, “he said.

Then he also highlighted the issue of the CPNS selection in 2018 and 2019 which granted privileges to teachers who already had an educator certificate, that is, by awarding maximum scores in the linear selection of field competencies (SKB) with their careers. of cpns formation. So it should have been implemented in the PPPK 2021 selection.

In Government Regulation number 49 of 2018 and BKN Regulation number 18 of 2020, it is established that there is a special issue if PPPK training requires professional certification to have achieved PG. Therefore the Ministry of Education and Culture must be firm and obedient in the implementation of the law of teachers and lecturers, then there is the mandatory term. For teachers to have an educator certificate, it means that in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture requires a professional certification in the selection of PPPK ”, he said.

“If there are no special requirements, it will create the anxiety that occurs when there are state fees and certified professional teachers who do not reach the Approved Grade (PG) must be ready to transfer from the original school and even must be assigned to become educational personnel according to the discussion material of the Ministry of Education and Culture with the local government on the selection of teachers. PPPK 2021 “, he concluded.

(mmm / ern)
