List of the 10 most needed jobs after a pandemic


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Ministry of Human Resources states there are ten more jobs needed after the pandemic COVID-19. They concluded the list of jobs from the results of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Manpower in 1,105 company on the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment opportunities.

From the survey results, it can be concluded that the most needed jobs include sales, marketing, and public relations.

“The survey results found that there are 10 types of jobs that are most needed, the first being sales, marketing and public relations professionals,” said Head of the Planning and Development Agency of the Ministry of Manpower Bambang Satrio Lelono quoted by Between, Tuesday (11/24).

In detail, here is a list of the jobs;

FirstProfessional, sales, marketing and public relations workers. The Ministry of Manpower said that 18.7 percent of the companies surveyed said they needed professional workers in that field.

Second, another sales worker. According to the survey results, 13.5 percent of the companies that responded said they needed another sales worker

Third, ICT operations engineering staff and their supporters. Up to 4.4 percent of those surveyed said they needed staff in this field.

Fourth, drivers of cars, trucks and motorcycles and public officials. Survey results showed that 3.8 percent of businesses needed car, truck, and motorcycle drivers, as well as public office workers when the pandemic ended.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

Fifth, operator of stationary machines with a percentage of 3.2 percent of the companies surveyed.

Sixth, mining and construction workers with a percentage of 3.1 percent of the surveyed companies.

Seventh, electrical equipment installation and repair workers represent 2.8 percent of surveyed companies.

Eighth, professional administrative staff represented 2.4 percent of the surveyed companies.

Nineth, manual workers with a total of 2.3 percent of respondents.

Tenth, technology experts.

According to a survey conducted in 17 business sectors, 72 percent of them are in Java, technology skills are the most sought after after the pandemic.

About 26.9 percent of the companies surveyed needed workers with technological skills, 6.2 percent of the companies needed physical and manual skills, 4.1 percent of the companies needed emotional and social skills, and 1, 9 percent of companies needed workers with advanced cognitive skills.

Up to 42.4 percent of the companies surveyed said they needed all kinds of skills.

