Less than 45 years old can work again. Here are the details of the rules


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia– The government revealed a scenario that wanted to allow people under the age of 45 to return to their activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 Handling Special Government Spokesperson Achmad Yurianto said the age group 45 and under are productive workers who have high immunity and become the foundation of their respective families’ expectations.

Furthermore, the most positive cases suffered from the 45-60 year age range. However, most cases of death occur in groups of 45 years or older, and 60 years or older, so they must obtain protection.

“Selectively, in the context of PSBB, we are not stopping completely, but we are not releasing either. PSBB must protect itself together and we must rethink the area of ​​work that we are allowed to consider in order to facilitate our work again,” said Yurianto on Tuesday (05 / 12/2020).

Still, he emphasized that only allowed jobs could work again during this PSBB. There are 11 sectors in question: health, food or food / beverages, energy, communication and information technology, finance, logistics, hospitality, construction, industry, basic services on vital objects and daily necessities.

Yurianto emphasized that the policies made by the government certainly had implications for other policies. For example, since long PSBB trips with planes have been hampered, although the government does not intend to hinder them with regulations.

“If there are no other policies, shipping goods from regions that depend on flights will not be easy. One of them is the sending of samples that is hampered, the delivery of medicines and medical devices is also hampered,” he said.

For this reason, the government provides exceptions to groups of assets and individuals who are tasked with speeding up the handling of COVID-19. Flights for official travel can be performed using health protocols in good health and negative PCR or rapid test results.

“This is the goal with the implementation of clear tasks, clear goals and when to return. This is what should not be interpreted as a PSBB relaxation policy,” said Yurianto.

Until Tuesday (12/05/2020) at 12.00 WIB, positive cases reached 14,749 people, the number increased by 484 people compared to the previous day. Meanwhile, recovering patients increased 182 people to 3,063 people. The death case increased by 16 people, so the total reached 1,007 people.

“Up to 376 districts / cities were affected by COVID-19 in 34 provinces,” he said. (dob / dob)
