Legal experts call FPI members can do more when organizations change their name


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The expert in constitutional law, Bivitri Susanti, said despite the fact that the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was dissolved of I sworeHowever, it does not diminish the rights of its members to organize even without using the organization’s name. According to him, the Constitution of 1945 guarantees it.

“In terms of organization, as in thought, it cannot be prohibited. The law can only regulate behavior. If so, tomorrow FPI only needs to change its name, so as not to violate it,” Bivitri said when contacted. Time, Wednesday, December 30, 2020.

FPI lawyer Sugito Atmo Prawiro also previously said that the mass organization created by Rizieq Shihab opened the opportunity to change its name as an association after it was declared banned.

Several netizens proposed a new name for FPI. The hashtag FPI_FrontPejuangIslam is the most popular topic on Twitter in Indonesia. Warganet proposed that the name Front Fighters Islam be used after the government dissolved the Front of Islamic Defenders.

Several netizens also asked people not to engage in any activities with FPI attributes because the regime was considered to be in a panic. Warganet criticized the issue of democratic freedom behind the dissolution of the FPI.

The government prohibits the FPI from carrying out any activity through the Joint Decree of the Minister of the Interior, Minister of Law and Human Rights, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Attorney General, Head of the State Intelligence Agency and Head of the National Agency Against Terrorism, number 220-4780 of 2020 number M.HH- 14.HH05.05 year 2020, number 690 year 2020, number 264 year 2020, number KB / 3 / XII 2020, number 320 year 2020, regarding the prohibition of activities of use of symbols and attributes, as well as the termination of activities of the Islamic Defenders Front, which is published today.

Most parliaments, especially the coalition parties that support the government, support a ban on FPI activities. “I believe that the government’s decision is correct to stop all FPI activities,” Vice President of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly Ahmad Basarah said in a written statement.

According to the president of the PDI-P fraction, it is true that freedom of association, assembly and organization of organizations is guaranteed by the constitution, but not everything is freedom without limits.

“All mass organizations must comply with the rules and regulations in force. All activities of mass organizations are obliged to maintain the integrity, unity and integrity of the nation. Likewise, with the activities carried out, never cause problems, disturb the order. public much less break the joints of diversity. -an in Indonesia, “he said.

