Later that night, the masses attended Habib Rizieq’s place birthday.



The Prophet Muhammad SAW birthday event at Habib Rizieq Syihab’s home still continues today. As the night progressed, the masses attending this event were getting larger and larger.

Surveillance detikcom, Saturday (11/14/2020), around 11:55 p.m. WIB in Petamburan, Central Jakarta, the crowd continued to arrive at the venue. The crowd that kept arriving made the crowd even thicker.

It appears that the masses who attended the Maulid event at Habib Rizieq’s location ignored the rules of keeping their distance according to the COVID-19 health protocol. Many wore masks, but there were also masses who wore masks only on the chin.

The crowd seemed to fill the main stage. The crowd expanded to Jalan KS Tubun, Petamburan.

Now, the leader of FPI is giving his tausiah. The masses seriously watched to hear Habib Rizieq’s tausiah.

The crowd in attendance also responded loudly when Habib Rizieq threw questions to the masses. Not only that, the masses laughed out loud when they heard Habib Rizieq’s lecture.

(fas / hri)
