Kristen Gray is finally deported after going viral for her tweets about Bali


DENPASAR, – The Bali Regional Office of Kemenkumham decided to deport Kristen Antoinette Gray and her partner Saundra Michelle Alexander from Indonesia.

This was after the two underwent an examination at Denpasar Immigration Office, Jalan Panjaitan, Denpasar, Bali, from 10.00 WITA to 18.00 WITA, Tuesday (1/19/2021).

“The follow-up action for US citizen Kristen Gray (and her partner) is subject to deportation or expulsion from the immigration administration,” said Jamaruli, head of the Regional Office of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights on Tuesday. Manihuruk, during a press conference at the Denpasar Immigration Office.

Also read: The viral Christian Gray Twit invites foreign tourists to Bali, lawyer: he is shocked by the reactions of Internet users

The Gray couple were also deported because they were deemed involved.

“They are both involved in these activities,” he said.

Also read: This is the reason for immigration to search for the viral Christian Gray after inviting foreign tourists to live in Bali.

Both will be deported as soon as possible while they wait for the flight. Currently, Gray and his partner are being held in the Immigration Detention Room of the Denpasar Immigration Office.

Jamaruli said the two were deported for spreading information that disturbed the public.

This information is about Bali, which provides convenience for LGBT people. Gray wrote this in a tweet on his viral Twitter account.

Then there is easy access to Indonesian territory during the pandemic.

He is suspected of violating article 75, paragraph 1, of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration, which reads: Immigration officials are authorized to carry out administrative immigration actions against foreigners who are in Indonesia and who perform dangerous activities .

And you must be suspected of endangering security and public order or not respecting or disobeying laws and regulations.

Apart from this, the foreigner is suspected of doing business by selling e-books and installing tourist consulting fees in Bali.

So that it can be subject to sanctions in accordance with article 122 letter a of Law Number 6 Year 2011 on Immigration.

It sounds like any foreigner who intentionally abuses or commits an activity that is not in accordance with the intention and purpose of granting you a residence permit.
