Kala Sri Mulyani’s stories never won a class during elementary school …


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati shared the story of her life when she went to primary school (SD).

As the son of two parents who work as teachers, Sri Mulyani admitted that school life was not always easy.

The seventh son of 10 siblings admitted that all of his siblings were smart students and almost always won classes at school.

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Meanwhile, during elementary school, he never experienced class champion.

“I have 10 siblings, every time I get a report card, every semester I am the only one who doesn’t win the class,” Sri Mulyani said while giving a presentation at the Girls Leadership Class event on Sunday (12/20/2020).

Even when he was at the High School (SMP) level, Sri Mulyani admitted that he once received red marks, or below average on his report card.

“It is very easy to make me despair, but maybe I am lucky because my parents are educators and they said that the red report card for a lesson is fine, like women who wear lipstick, said my mother,” said Sri Mulyani.

These incidents, according to Sri Mulyani, should not discourage you.

Because discouragement will destroy self-confidence. For this reason, he also tried to find other added values ​​of himself that he considered superior to build self-confidence.

“I’m a girl who likes to go out, likes the outdoors and my sister is unrealistic. More nerdy. That’s what makes report cards different and they can’t be compared to report cards. because we are different, “said Sri Mulyani.

She also warned that all women don’t find it easy to put negative feelings into the heart. Because it will make someone reluctant to move on.

“Although he has tested many women, he is different from men,” said Sri Mulyani.

“Life is not always lucky and meeting people who understand and support it. And those are critical points that must be faced, ”he said.Also read: Jokowi asks for the Covid-19 vaccine for free, how much budget has Sri Mulyani prepared?
