Jokowi: My first grandson was born at PKU Hospital, part of the Muhammadiyah page.


JAKARTA, – President Joko Widodo said, Muhammadiyah has provided many services to the community.

Jokowi claimed to have seen and felt the quality of Muhammadiyah’s business services, one of which was in the healthcare sector.

This is because their first grandson, Jan Ethes Srinarendra, was born at Muhammadiyah Solo General Hospital for Community Welfare Development (RSU PKU).

Jokowi conveyed this when he gave a virtual speech on the 108th anniversary of Muhammadiyah, on Wednesday (11/18/2020).

Also read: 108th anniversary of Muhammadiyah, the vice president thanks him

“My first grandson was born at PKU Muhammadiyah Solo Hospital, following in his grandmother’s footsteps to become part of Muhammadiyah,” he said via YouTube Muhammadiyah Channel broadcast.

Not only that, Jokowi said that his wife, Iriana, had also studied at Muhammadiyah University in Solo.

Now, during the pandemic, through the special team of the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC), health services were provided in 82 hospitals in various provinces through 40 universities.

All of them are actively engaged in serving the community to the bottom.

Also read: Muhammadiyah gives awards to doctors and nurses who died due to Covid-19

Thus, according to Jokowi, millions of Indonesians have benefited from Muhammadiyah’s progress and innovation, as well as the services provided to improve the health and education status of the community.

Jokowi also expressed his gratitude for the contribution.

“So, on behalf of the people, the nation and the country, I would like to express my deepest thanks. May Muhammadiyah’s trip be more victorious and worthwhile in the nation’s trip,” he said.

Jokowi said that Muhammadiyah was a gift from Allah SWT to the Indonesian nation.

Also read: Today in history: Muhammadiyah founded in Yogyakarta, how did it start?

Through the contribution of the Islamic enlightenment movement started by KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Muhammadiyah continues to try to bury the teachings of the Quran and hadiths in the lives of the people of the country.

Muhammadiyah, Jokowi said, is oriented towards the benefit of people who always do good deeds and strive for prosperity and peace.

“On behalf of the community, the nation and the country, I wish to congratulate the 108th anniversary of the Muhammadiyah Organization. The era that Muhammadiyah has filled with many works and contributions,” he said.
