Joe Biden wins the presidential elections in the US, Indonesia, China and Australia. Different reactions Page all


WASHINGTON DC, – The victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the US presidential election has received mixed reviews from several countries, including Australia, Indonesia and China.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Australia’s relationship with the United States would become even stronger under the leadership of Joe Biden.

“The process is still ongoing in the United States and the institutions that run this process are very important to its democracy,” Prime Minister Morrison said in a press release in response to Joe Biden’s victory on Sunday (11/8 / 2020).

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“But I join the leaders of other countries in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, as well as Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris and her husband Douglas Emhoff,” said Prime Minister Morrison.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice President of the United States for the term 2021-2025.ABC NEWS VIDEO Prime Minister Scott Morrison congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice President of the United States for the 2021-2025 term.

According to the information obtained ABCPrime Minister Morrison will write to Joe Biden on Monday and will officially invite him to Australia to celebrate 70 years of relations between the two countries next year.

Prime Minister Morrison said he would continue to work with the Trump administration until the inauguration of a new president on January 20.

Prime Minister Morrison said Joe Biden’s leadership in the White House will not change the climate change policies implemented by Australia, including targets to reduce carbon emissions.

Joe Biden’s campaign mentions the US plan to join the Paris Climate Agreement, with the goal of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 and providing a $ 2 trillion budget for clean energy within four years.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Morrison’s government has refused to set a similar goal.

“Australia will always set policies based on Australia’s national interests,” he said.

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Earlier this year Australia announced a Technology Investment Map containing directions and policies to reduce carbon emissions with a focus on supporting various technologies and heavy industries.

The map will define a government investment of 18 billion in five priority technologies that include hydrogen and carbon storage options and production of low carbon steel and aluminum.

Meanwhile, Australian opposition leader Anthony Albanese had previously urged Prime Minister Morrison to “convey Australia’s view on the importance of respecting the democratic process” to President Trump.

He asked Prime Minister Morrison to rebuke various politicians on the government side who helped spread “conspiracy theories” such as those propagated by Trump regarding the results of the US presidential elections.

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Indonesian export products are subject to high tariffs

The president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris through his Instagram account.

“Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their historic victory. The large turnout reflects hopes for democracy,” wrote President Jokowi’s Instagram account.

He said he was willing to work with the Joe Biden Administration to strengthen strategic alliances and increase economic cooperation, democracy and multilateralism for the benefit of the people of the two countries.

Under the Trump Administration, the relationship between the United States and Indonesia, especially in the commercial sector, experienced a dynamic after the United States revoked Indonesia’s status as a country with special consideration in the WTO’s World Trade Organization.

In February 2020, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) recognized Indonesia’s status as a developed country, making it no longer eligible for WTO Special Differential Treatment (SDT).

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As a result, goods exported from Indonesia to the US will be subject to higher tariffs.

However, in October 2020, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto paid an official visit to the US and reached an agreement to cooperate in the field of defense, security and maritime affairs.

Then-Vice President Mike Pence visited Jakarta on October 29 and officially extended RI’s status as a country with special consideration under the WTO.

Therefore, the tariff for thousands of Indonesian exports to the United States gets relief.

The two countries also agreed to strengthen the supply chain for goods, as well as the post-pandemic economic recovery.

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It is not certain how the trade war between China and the United States will continue under the administration of President Joe Biden.REUTERS / DAVID MCNEWS via ABC INDONESIA It is not certain how the trade war between China and the United States will continue under the administration of President Joe Biden.

The Chinese president has yet to congratulate him

The reaction to Joe Biden’s victory has been generally positive, but there is uncertainty about the official position of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

As of Monday (September 11, 2020), President Xi had yet to broadcast his congratulations to Joe Biden, nor had the official government media.

However, some observers in China have suggested the possibility of changing relations between the two countries under the Biden Administration.

“Strategic trust has been damaged, high-level political visits have stopped, and there is no more important cooperation,” said Xin Qiang of Fudan University, state media reported.

“However, at least Biden will probably make improvements on the last two,” he said.

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Biden did not voice many Chinese problems during his campaign.

At the beginning of the campaign, Biden simply declared that he would continue his tough stance on China and was determined to lead an international campaign to “suppress, isolate and punish China.”

But on a number of issues, like President Trump’s imposition of tariffs on products imported from China, Biden declared the possibility of making changes.

In President Trump’s four-year leadership, pressure on China over the Muslim ethnic minority issue and the democratic movement in Hong Kong has not deterred President Xi Jinping’s position.

He recently declared that the detention program for Muslim ethnic minorities in western China was “fair.”

President Xi also ordered tough actions against opposition parties in Hong Kong, leading to activists and journalists being arrested and jailed.

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