Is dying in the month of Ramadan as a base for the gods 19 a good sign?


Jakarta – The good news comes from the music world in the country. Dewa 19 first baseman Erwin Prasetya passed away. This was confirmed by his friends and colleagues today, Saturday (05/02/2020).

Innalillahi wa Inna illaihi rojiun, Erwin Prasetyo MERANTAU as soon as possible to NEXT LIFE and END. We will all follow him. Allahu Akbar – God bless you“Dewa 19’s official Instagram account wrote.

Meanwhile, friends like Ahmad Dhani and Ari Lasso also expressed their condolences to the late Erwin. Ahmad Dhani even said that Erwin was the most diligent in his five daily prayers compared to other members of Dewa 19.

Ahmad Dhani also prayed that Erwin Prasetya would die in good condition, Husnul Khatimah. For him, dying in the month of Ramadan is a privilege.

“Among us (@ de19wa), Erwin is the most diligent to pray 5 times. Innalillahi wa Inna illaihi rojiun. InsyaaAllah husnul khotimah. Dying in the month of Ramadhan is the dream of all of us,“Ahmad Dhani wrote.

Some of us who believe that dying in the month of Ramadan is a privilege. How important is this in Islam? It is a good signal?

Erwin Prasetya (third from left)Erwin Prasetya (third from left) / Photo: Dewa 19 (Instagram. Instagram)

According to Ustaz Adi Hidayat LC, MA, he passed away at a special time, apparently not guaranteeing any sign of kindness. For example, when someone dies in the month of Ramadan.

“In fact, there is a privileged moment by Allah SWT, different from other times. There are daily moments like a third of the night, there is a monthly time, there is an annual time, like Ramadan, Ramadan time is a large number of privileges, if good actions increase, the reward multiplies “, explained Ustaz Adi quoted from AFP

It all depends on the acts and acts of worship of each person during his life, Mother. According to Ustaz Adi Hidayat, humans cannot plan and determine their own moment of death. Therefore, it cannot be a reference point for its characteristics.

“So this is measured in the second part, how well he does good deeds, this is the most important thing. What can be said if there are evil people, criminals for example, who died in the month of Ramadan, is he special? From indeed, there may be infidels who died during the month of Ramadan. ” “Does this indicate that he is good in God’s sight? Not necessarily. The measure of goodness, each time he dies, we cannot determine. Because God agrees with his end,” said Ustaz Adi Hidayat.

See also how to present the Ramadan fast to the Zaskia Adya Mecca:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

(here / thu)
