Investments in 31 companies are Haram


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia Although the term of current United States (US) President Donald Trump is strongly predicted to be only two months away, the conflict with China appears to be heating up.

On Thursday (12/11/2020) Trump signed an executive order prohibiting Americans, both companies and individuals, from investing in Chinese companies believed to support Beijing’s military.

“The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is increasingly exploiting US capital to obtain resources and enable the development and modernization of military, intelligence and security tools,” the president said in the order, cited Friday (13 / 11/2020).

The ban will go into effect at 9:30 am (US time) on January 11, 2021. The Ministry of Defense has identified 31 companies as “Chinese communist military partners,” including the Chinese tech giant. Huawei.

In detail, the US believes that these companies are enabling the evolution of China’s military through access to advanced technology. The United States said it was “targeting Beijing’s aggressive global expansion.”

The order came after repeated warnings from the Department of Homeland Security and Trump’s economic team, who said stricter measures must be taken to avoid “ American exposure ” to companies that support China’s military ambitions.

Meanwhile, US national security adviser Robert O’Brien has spearheaded the government’s calls to clamp down on US investment in Chinese companies.

He claimed that this move was to protect the American public from the threat of the Chinese military while accusing Beijing of massive infiltration to influence the public in the development of its weapons.

“The president’s actions serve to protect American investors from inadvertently providing capital used to enhance the intelligence capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Republic of China,” O’Brien said.

“Beijing’s intelligence services routinely target American citizens and businesses through cyber operations, and directly threaten critical infrastructure, the economy and the military of the United States and its allies and partners around the world.”

As is known, from the results of a quick count of the American media, Trump lost to his challenger Joe Biden. He only got 214 electoral votes while Biden had 290.

However, Trump believes that Biden won fraudulently. He admitted that it would not be an easy transition.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also shared the same opinion. Instead, he said there would be a smooth transition to Trump’s second term in office. He also said that the United States’ affairs with China had not been finalized.

(Head to head)
