#indonesiaterserah crowd on Twitter



The timeline for Twitter in Indonesia tonight, Saturday (11/14/2020), was animated by the hashtag #indonesiaterserah. What are hashtags about?

When this news was made, the hashtag topped the Indonesian Twitter trending topic. Through this hashtag, Indonesian Twitter netizens commented on the steps of the COVID-19 Management Task Force that distributed masks at Habib Rizieq’s child marriage and the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

“I went to college online and finished my quota, not to mention the pile of assignments and arbitrary class hours. The ones that were safe until masks were provided, thousands of people. We are in class with 30 people, ahhh ya #indonesiaterserah “said a netizen. .

“Online school
Online Graduation
League 1 was frustrated.
The little ones are allowed to celebrate.
Now there are those who celebrate with masks, assisted in road closures, assisted in traffic management !!

#indonesiaterserah, “said another netizen.

The COVID-19 Management Working Group sent masks and hand sanitizers to guests at the Prophet’s Birthday event hosted by Habib Rizieq Syihab (HRS). A total of 10,000 masks arrived at the DPP’s Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

According to detikcom, the help of masks and hand sanitizers arrived at Jalan Petamburan III, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, on Saturday (11/14/2020) at 11.00 WIB. The masks and hand sanitizers were removed from the wagon and then delivered directly to the head of the event committee, Haris Ubaidillah, by the Director of Logistics and Equipment Management at BNPB Rustian.

Rustian said the distribution of masks and hand sanitizers was a direct order from BNPB Chief Doni Monardo. This assistance will be provided to guests attending the Prophet’s birthday.

“Yes, the direction of the Head of BNPB as Working Group for the Management of COVID. (It will be given to Maulid’s guest), yes, so we will present it directly to the committee. So the committee is really about the implementation of this “, said.

Watch video “Habib Rizieq’s story on Overstay and the Saudi intelligence investigation
[Gambas:Video 20detik](asj / asj)
