Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Wimboh Santoso stated that the 20 billion rupees in funds belonged to Winda Lunardi and her mother, Floleta, who disappeared from her PT account. Maybank Indonesia Tbk, you can come back. The condition is that the loss of funds is not the fault of the client or that their guilt is not proven.
“If the client is innocent, the money will be returned,” Wimboh said at a joint working meeting with the House Commission XI on Thursday (11/12).
Even so, the supervisor of the financial institution has yet to provide further explanation of OJK’s findings regarding the case of loss of customer funds at Maybank. In fact, OJK has followed up on this case.
This follow-up was carried out because it received reports from both parties, both Maybank and Winda, as clients losing funds. “Maybank has reported it, the customer has reported it,” he said.
However, OJK does not want to precede the police in their statements. On the other hand, Wimboh assessed that something was happening behind the alleged robbery of a bank account belonging to Winda and her mother.
“There must be something (in the case of alleged breach of accounts at Maybank). That is something we are careful about when making statements. Maybank has something but we are sure this will be resolved objectively and transparently,” he said.
Previously, Bareskrim named the head of the Maybank Cipulir branch with the initials A as a suspect in the alleged theft of the Rp20 billion savings balance. The agency suspects that the head of the Maybank Cipulir branch with the initials A was the suspect of participating in a mode of attracting profits through a time saving plan.
The victim was promised a profit of up to 10 percent. Bareskrim Polri said the suspect offered Winda to open a futures account that was actually fictitious.
Meanwhile, lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea, as a lawyer for Maybank Indonesia, saw something strange in this case. He questioned various oddities about his client’s legal case against Winda.
Hotman explained that there was a flow of funds from Winda’s account to Prudential through an IDR 6 billion transfer transaction for the purchase of an insurance policy on Winda’s behalf.
With this indication, Hotman suspects that the Head of the Maybank Cipulir Branch with the initials A has practiced banking within the bank accessing money belonging to clients.
Because the money bought for the insurance policy was transferred to Winda’s father, Herman Lunardi, for 4.8 billion rupees. He asked the researchers to look into the findings as well.
[Gambas:Video CNN] (are / age)