If a vaccine is found, could the pandemic end soon? All pages


KOMPAS.com – Everyone may be tired and tired of facing this Covid-19 pandemic. If there is a vaccine, will the pandemic end?

The world has changed since a mysterious virus that infected the residents of Wuhan, China, was first announced on December 31, 2019.

It is finally known that it is the new corona virus SARS-CoV-2 that caused the new killer, Covid-19.

Two months after that, on March 2, 2020, Indonesia announced the first case of Covid-19. Since then, our lifestyle has changed.

Because these viruses and diseases are new, the world does not yet have vaccines to prevent transmission.

Also read: Research on Covid-19 vaccines in the world, where has the process been?

To date, scientists around the world are developing more than 100 candidate vaccines. 36 vaccines are in human clinical trials and about 90 other candidates are entering preclinical trials or being administered to animals.

Indonesia, through the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (LBM) is also developing a vaccine called the red and white vaccine.

Of all the vaccine candidates available, it is suggested that by mid-2021 we will have found a Covid-19 vaccine that is safe and effective in increasing the immune response.

But the question is, if there is a vaccine available and it has been distributed to everyone, will the pandemic automatically end and can we live a day like before the pandemic?

The director of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology (LBM), Professor Amin Soebandrio, gave his opinion on this question.

Amin acknowledged that everyone hopes that a Covid-19 vaccine will be found soon so that we can return to life before the pandemic.

But Amin warned, even though a vaccine was invented and eventually commercialized, everyone should not abandon the health protocols that were put in place during this pandemic.

“So, for example, at the beginning of next year a vaccine will be available, it does not mean that the pandemic is over,” Amin explained at an informational event in digital media. Support for the acceleration of Covid-19 vaccine research held on Thursday (9/3/2020).

Illustration of the corona virus vaccine, the Covid-19 vaccineShutterstock Illustration of the corona virus vaccine, the Covid-19 vaccine

Amin said the vaccine helped control the spread of Covid-19. But keep in mind that the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 that causes the disease will always be around us.

“We don’t know where the virus is. What we hope is that as more and more people are immune, the virus (SARS-CoV-2) will decrease over time,” he added.

But until the coronavirus completely disappears from the face of the Earth and no longer infects humans, it will take a long time.

“The smallpox virus, for example, took about 200 years for the world to be declared smallpox-free, since the first vaccine was discovered by a doctor (Edward) Jenner,” Amin said.

Long before dealing with Covid-19, smallpox killed millions of people before a vaccine was found.

Reported Kompas.id issue of May 9, 2020 in an article titled, 40 years of man wins the smallpox epidemic, mentioned until the 20th century or until 60 years ago, smallpox killed at least 300 million people on earth.

Also read: Hunting for time, these are the 7 stages of the development of the Covid-19 vaccine

In the case of the current pandemic, Amin said it is very likely that we will not need to wait 200 years to be free of Covid-19.

“Because with more advanced technology, it is hoped that we will not have to wait for 200 years,” he said.

He recalled that even though a vaccine was found, 3M’s health protocols should be followed, namely:

  • Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
  • Keep your distance from others
  • Masquerade
