I can’t find a concrete example of Din Syamsuddin Radical



PBNU President Marsudi Syuhud also responded to the question from Din Syamsuddin, who was accused of being a radical figure. Marsudi admitted that he could not find a concrete example of Din Syamsuddin, including a radical person.

“The accusation of radicalism against Din Syamsuddin by certain parties until now I have not been able to find a concrete example that describes him as a radical person in another language ‘tathoruf’ as the image of our minds when he addresses a group that is Radical ‘marked’ in general, “Marsudi said in his statement on Friday (12/2/2021).

“In the same way, when the word ‘radical’ was addressed to you, as the leader of ‘jam’iyah almutathorifah’, my nose couldn’t smell that smell until now. Is this because my nose has caught a cold and is not working properly, or my ears are getting cold. I am the ‘kopoken’, so I have not been able to hear the statement of Pak Din, who is categorized as radical, “continued Marsudi.

Marsudi asked those who accused Din Syamsuddin of being radicals to provide evidence. Don’t let, said Marsudi, turn this matter into slander.

“So that this allegation is not called ‘slander’, I ask the parties that have data on his rudeness and especially the parties that report that he must convey to public opinion, the radical form of what he did,” said Marsudi .

Marsudi knows Din Syamsuddin as a person who advocates Middle Islam. Marsudi said Din was also active in the international world.

“Until now I have been together, promoting Islam ‘wasathiah’ Islam Rahmatan lillalamin which is not only in Indonesia but internationally, in world leaders forums both in the Vatican with Holy Pop Fraciscus or figures of all religions in many world events. That those who transmit that he is radical can prove it. Do not let this be considered slander, and that it can even be the subject of legal traps, “said Marsudi.

Previously, KASN opened its voice regarding further actions on ITB Alumni Anti-Radicalism Movement (GAR) reports on alleged violations of Din Syamsuddin’s code of ethics and code of conduct.

From the Kemenpan RB explanation letter received by detikcom, numbered B / 23 / SM.00.04 / 2021 and signed by the Human Resources Deputy of the Teguh Widjinarko Apparatus, it is indicated that the ITB report of GAR on the alleged case of radicalism of ASN Din Syamsuddin is coordinating with the Task Force.

“Dear President of the Anti-Radicalism Movement-ITB Students. Based on the report of the Anti-Radicalism Movement – Students of the Bandung Institute of Technology Number 08 / S / GAR-ITB // 2021 of January 19, 2021 on the case of radicalism ASN, Prof. Dr. HM Sirajuddin Syamsudin, MAPh.D NIP 1958083111984011001 with the position of professor at Syarif Hidayatulloh Islamic State University, Jakarta, “the content of the opening letter received by detikcom, Thursday (2/4/2021) .

“Regarding basic violations of the ASN code of ethics and code of conduct and / or violations of the discipline of public officials, we will coordinate with the Radicalism Management Task Force, which consists of 11 related K / L “continued the letter.

Furthermore, regarding the results of the discussions with the Task Force on Radicalism, it is not known with certainty when they will be delivered. However, he said the results would be released as soon as possible.

“And we will transmit the results of the discussions with the Task Force on Radicalism as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention and cooperation,” the letter concluded.

See also the video: Ponpes Gontor Adem Ayem on Din Syamsuddin’s wedding day

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

