Hundreds of thousands of Britons retire smoking due to Covid-19


PROKAL.CO, LONDON – The global SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has pushed hundreds of thousands of Britons to quit smoking. This appeared in the results of a survey carried out by YouGov with the anti-smoking campaign organization Action on Smoking and Health (Ash).

Of the 1,004 people interviewed, 2 percent of smokers said they had stopped smoking due to Covid-19. If the results are calculated with the British population, at least 300 thousand people have stopped smoking.

‘There are many reasons to quit smoking. However, nothing is as important as the current pandemic, ” Ruth Tennant, director of the tobacco program for the British Association of Directors of Public Health, told The Guardian.

The same survey also showed that 8 percent of respondents reported trying to quit smoking. While 36% of the respondents claimed to have reduced their frequency.

The fear of smokers to continue their habits arises due to reports related to Covid-19. According to many experts, smokers infected with the corona virus will suffer more. The possibility of death becomes higher.

‘Smoking can damage the immune system and the ability to fight infection. Quitting smoking will also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, ” said chief Ash Nick Hopkinson.

Charlie Kenward, the initiator of the #QuitforCOVID movement, said people should be more health conscious amid the coronavirus pandemic. That’s more important because scientists have been unable to find an antidote vaccine. “One way to improve health is to quit smoking,” said the Bristol general practitioner. (bil / c17 / dos)
