How the fate of ASN was dissolved in 10 institutions, this is Kemenpan RB’s explanation


JAKARTA, – Up to 10 agencies / institutions officially dissolved by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) through Presidential Decree Number 112 of 2020 that was signed since November 26. So what will happen to the fired employee?

The deputy for Institutional and Administration of the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Rini Widyantini said that there were not many employees in the 10 agencies / institutions that were dissolved.

“Of course not all these non-structural institutions have ASNs, yes, only a few, not too many,” he said at a virtual press conference on Tuesday (12/01/2020).

Also read: During two periods, Jokowi has dissolved 37 institutions

Even if there are employees at the institution, Rini continued, they are employees with contract status. However, his party is still considering the transfer of duties and functions from the dissolved ASNs to the corresponding ministries and institutions.

“We have conducted verifications, at least some, especially perhaps in the agency that manages the Suramadu area. However, it is mainly for contract employees and of course we will discuss how to transfer it,” he said.

In addition, Rini explained that the 10 dissolved agencies / institutions would be integrated into ministries in accordance with their previous duties and functions.

First, the National Research Council whose functions and functions will be integrated into the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation.

Second, the Food Safety Council is integrated into the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). Currently, the food safety position has been implemented by the Food Safety Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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Third, the Surabaya and Madura Regional Development Agency, for regional development, will be transferred to the Ministry of PUPR. Meanwhile, matters related to portability will be handled by the Ministry of Transport.

In addition, the National Board for Standardization and Accreditation of Sports will be integrated into the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora).

The Indonesian Professional Sports Agency is part of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Fifth, the Indonesian Hajj Supervision Commission will be integrated into the Ministry of Religion. The sixth is the National Committee of Economy and Industry, integrated into the Coordinating Ministry of Economy.

Seventh, the Telecommunications Advisory Agency will merge with the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (Kemenkominfo).

The National Commission for the Elderly will be integrated into the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). Finally, the Indonesian telecommunications regulator will be merged with the Ministry of Communications and Information.
