Hot videos like Gisel shock the public, Roy Marten raises his voice


Jakarta, Insertlive

On Saturday (7/11) Gisel’s name topped Twitter’s trending topic list because an exciting video like him leaked into the public domain via social media and short message apps.

The video, which is about 19 seconds long, shows a woman like Gisel Anastasia has sex with a man in a room.

The news about a red-hot video similar to Gisel reached Roy Marten, the former father-in-law.

Based on reports Detik.comRoy didn’t want to say much about the problems that plagued his grandson’s mother.

“No comment, I don’t want to comment,” Roy Marten said in a broadcast.

When asked when Roy Marten found out about the exciting video, he was reluctant to give a definitive answer.

“They told me there was no comment from me,” he added.

He also revealed that until now he had not met Gading Marten, but had communicated with his son.

“I have not met Gading yet, but I have contacted him,” he concluded.

[Gambas:Video Insertlive]

(shit / shit)
