History of Corona volunteers burying patients with the Corona virus: once very new and open at home


TRIBUNPAPUA.COM Relawan burial The body of a Covid-19 patient shares his experience while doing work that has many of these risks.

This was felt by Endro Sambodo, member of the BPBD TRC Special Region Yogyakarta (DIY).

In front of dozens of volunteers from various organizations in the Regency. Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Endro recounted the ups and downs of volunteering Covid-19.

Endro, who worked for the past month, shared his experience of wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before undertaking the task of handling infectious bodies or infectious bodies.

“Contagious bodies can be from any disease. Now the Covid-19 pandemic. Probably due to Covid-19, but not necessarily Covid-19. But probably due to Covid-19,” Endro said in the Office Room. of the Deputy Regent in Gunungkidul. , Friday (5/1/2020).

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Burying a dozen Covid-19 corpses

According to him, during the last month, there have been dozens of bodies buried under the Covid-19 funeral protocol.

He also made sure that the bodies that had been placed in safe boxes, so that people were not afraid or rejected.

According to Endro, there was a village head and lurah in one of the DIY regions that was rejecting the arrival of the body of a Covid-19 patient. However, local residents even support and invite the body burial in their area.
