Here are 7 mutated police generals: National Okezone


JAKARTA – The Chief of the National Police, General Idham Azis, transferred 153 middle and high-ranking officers of the National Police, on Tuesday (12/22/2020).

The mutation is contained in two Telegram letters from the Chief of Police, each Number ST / 3488 / XII / KEP. / 2020 and ST / 3489 / KEP. / 2020 dated November 21, 2020 in relation to the dismissal and appointment to office within the police. The telegram was signed by the Human Resources Assistant to the Chief of Police, Insp. General Pol Sutrisno Yudi Hermawan.

In the ranks of pati, there were seven one-star generals (brigjen pol) who were transferred. As for the ranks of the pamen, several police chiefs were also transferred.

Here are 7 generals that were transferred:

1. Brigjen Pol Jaya Subriyanto. Sabhara Baharkam Polri’s Senior Policy Analyst has been appointed to a new position as Senior Police Professor at Sespim, Lemdiklat Polri.

2. Brigadier General of Police Irlan. The Deputy Chief of the East Kalimantan Regional Police was appointed to a new position as Lecturer at the main Tk I Sespim Lemdiklat Polri.

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3. Brigadier General Pol Hariyanto. Dirpolsatwa Korsabhara Baharkam Polri was appointed to a new position as Deputy Chief of the East Kalimantan Regional Police.

4. Police Brigadier General Ruslan. Karorenmin Baharkam Polri was appointed to a new post as a professor at the Main Tk I Sespim National Police Training and Training Institute.

5. Police Brigadier General Agung Julianto. Widyaiswara Intermediate Sespim Lemdiklat Polri was appointed to a new position as Karorenmin Baharkam Polri.

6. Brigadier General Pol Hartono. Karopsy from SSDM Polri has been assigned as Principal Policy Analyst for PSI SSDM Polri.

7. Police Brigadier General Yehu Wangsajaya. TIK Polri’s Lead Police Information Technology Developer Tk II Div was transferred as Lead Policy Analyst for the Sespimti Sespim Lemdiklat Polri Sector.
