Hendropriyono reveals why General Wismoyo wore a wristwatch on his right hand



The former head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) General (ret) AM Hendropriyono has special memories of the late General (Purn) Wismoyo Arismunandar. He called the former Army Chief of Staff a gentleman who firmly adhered to principles, often thinking outside the box and just thinking.

An example is related to the use of watches. According to Hendropriyono, watch technology in the past used a kind of spring that had to be moved frequently to keep the hand moving constantly. Because the hand that often moves is the right hand, Wismoyo wears a watch on her right hand. Although usually most people wear a watch on their left hand.

“That is a simple and logical consideration of a Wismoyo. Until now, Mr. Wismoyo’s former subordinate has been told not to follow his watch on his right hand because it moves more,” Hendropriyono said.

He admitted that he was very lost with the figure of his superior. When he received the news that Wismoyo had passed away, Hendropriyono took the time to visit his residence at Bambu Apus in East Jakarta.

“I couldn’t hold back the tears, I was once again impressed by the leadership attitude of the deceased. I realized that I too would follow in his footsteps. I am also older, 76 years old, and will continue to the afterlife. I pray that Mr. Wismoyo gets the best place. On the side of Allah SWT, “Hendropriyono said.

Wismoyo was born in Bondowoso, East Java, on February 10, 1940. He died on Thursday (1/28/2021) at 04:29 WIB at Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta. He is buried in Giribangun, Solo, Central Java.

(jat / mae)
