The Ulema Council of Indonesia (MUI) did not accept French President Emmanuel Macron’s attitude towards Islam. MUI asked the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno LP Marsudi, to convene the French Ambassador to Indonesia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) responded to MUI’s request.
“We are currently requesting a full report from the Indonesian Embassy in Paris, including information on the context of President Macron’s statement,” Acting Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah told detikcom, Monday (10/26/2020).
Previously, the MUI had criticized French President Macron. MUI found that Macron indirectly supported Islamophobia, did not respect the services of French Muslims and accused Muslims of being a source of conflict in society.
“MUI asked the Foreign Minister to immediately convene the French Ambassador to Indonesia for clarification and a full explanation on the position of President Macron’s statement,” MUI’s Vice Chairman of the Leadership Council Muhyiddin Junaidi said in a written statement to journalists.
However, it is unclear what statement Macron Muhyiddin and MUI protested. Moment detikcom When requesting information on Macron’s statement that was criticized by MUI, Muhyiddin did not show Macron’s statement that he considered accusing Muslims of being a source of conflict, intolerance, Islamophobia from Macron, to statements containing racism.
“Not yet (no news on Macron’s statement),” Muhyiddin said.
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