Getting ready! Luhut orders Anies to toughen up PSBB in Jakarta


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia– Marves Coordinating Minister Luhut B. Pandjaitan ordered Governor Anies Baswedan to once again tighten large-scale social restrictions in DKI Jakarta.

This attitude from the central government was conveyed by Luhut at the Covid-19 Management Coordination Meeting in DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java and Bali virtually at the Maritime Office on Monday (12/14/2020).

In more detail, Luhut asked Anies Baswedan to tighten the work-from-home policy by up to 75%. “I also asked the governor to continue with the policy of limiting office hours to 7:00 p.m. and limiting the number of people who gather in restaurants, shopping malls and entertainment venues,” he pleaded.

So that this policy does not impose a burden on the tenants of the commercial premises in the shopping centers, the coordinating minister Luhut, who is also the vice president of Covid-19 and the National Committee for Economic Recovery, asked the owners of the shopping centers through the Governor of DKI Jakarta to provide relief from rental charges and service to tenants (tenants).

“Rental and service charge relief schemes (service fees) should be mutually agreed upon between shopping centers and tenants. Examples include proration, profit sharing or other schemes,” said coordinating minister Luhut, giving a example.

Then, he also asked that activities that could potentially bring together large numbers of people, such as religious celebrations and events, be restricted or prohibited. Coordinating Minister Luhut also suggested that the activities could be carried out online. Not only that, Coordinating Minister Luhut also ordered TNI / Polri to strengthen behavior change operations.
“This will be preceded by a TNI / POLRI rally led by the president as a way to strengthen engagement,” he said.

In addition to DKI Jakarta province, coordinating minister Luhut also provided instructions to the governors of West Java, Central Java and East Java. These directives include optimizing the use of centralized isolation, strengthening justice operations to ensure the implementation of centralized isolation and 3M’s health protocols (wash hands, wear masks, and keep your distance).

“I call on local governments to also tighten social restrictions based on urban and suburban / rural contexts,” said coordinating minister Luhut. In the urban / urban context, he continued, local governments are asked to toughen the implementation of Work from Home (WFH) and limit the hours of operation of restaurants, entertainment and shopping centers until 20:00. Meanwhile, in rural areas, local governments are asked to strengthen the implementation of social restrictions at the micro and community scale.

Finally, for the province of Bali and others, coordinating minister Luhut advised that health protocols should be tightened in rest areas, hotels and tourist attractions.

“We ask that tourists boarding a plane bound for Bali undergo the H-2 PCR test prior to their flight to Bali and require the rapid H-2 antigen test before traveling overland to Bali,” he concluded.

To regulate the mechanism, Coordinating Minister Luhut asked the Minister of Health, Head of BNPB and Menhub to immediately regulate the procedure. “I ask that today the POE for the use of rapid antigen tests be completed immediately,” he ordered.

Present at the virtual coordination meeting were the Minister of Health Terawan, the Minister of Transport Budi Karya Sumadi, the President of BNPB Doni Monardo, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil, the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster, representatives of the Regional Military Governor of Central Java, and the Governor of Central Java. and the corresponding Kapolda.

On the occasion, the governor of DKI, Anies Baswedan, emphasized that in his area it is forbidden to carry out New Year activities that gather a large number of people, as well as to celebrate Christmas directly together.

“We are implementing this, Mr. Coordinating Minister, and I hope the same policy will apply in one area of ​​Jabodetabek,” he said.

In accordance with Menko Luhut’s instructions, Governor Anies also said that he will start applying rapid antigens to people entering through the airport.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(drums / drums)
