Found more contagious 10X Corona mutations in IR, is it harmful?


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The director of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Amin Soebandrio, explained that the corona virus Covid-19 mutation called D614G was found in Indonesia after having previously been found in the Philippines and Malaysia.

The Corona D614G mutation is said to be 10 times more contagious than the initial version of the corona.

Amin Soebandrio revealed that from 5 institutions in Indonesia, namely in Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, LIPI and Eijkman, at least 22 whole genome sequences (WGS) related to the corona virus had been submitted.

“There are 5 institutions out of 22 WGS, 8 of which contain the D614G mutation,” he said during a meeting with DPR in Jakarta on Monday (8/31/2020).

“With the distribution in May, that’s what Airlangga University reported in a letter in April. Then the 7 are lately from Tangerang, Yogyakarta, Bandung and Jakarta,” he added.

According to him, research trials are currently still underway to find out how widespread this is in Indonesia. He said that in the world there were 70%, almost 80% of the Covid-19 isolates that contained the D6146G mutation.

Also, on the same occasion, the president of the Covid-19 Research and Innovation Consortium of the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency, Professor Ali Ghufron Mukti, said that if the news related to this mutation was very contagious 5-10 times, there was even 1 person broadcasting them to 45 people and it was already busy being discussed. .

“Many have not been linked lately. What is clear is that the contagion rate is high, whether it is related to severity yet. As it is said to be malignant, it is not yet. Just stay alert,” he concluded.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Roy / Roy)
